Chapter 46

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The next week was very stressful for Katsumi. Between talking with Kirishima and Todoroki about what they would be doing for their part of the concert to visiting Eri after school ended every other day, to jamming in her studies late during the night while trying to convince Bakugo to go to sleep before her, she was feeling pressed for time.

Bakugo had seemed to hold a certain attitude around him for the past few days too. A week, in fact. But any time she asked him about it, he brushed it off and said it was nothing.

Katsumi was growing a little worried about him as well.

The School Festival was only a week or so away, and Katsumi could already feel her nerves building, even though she wasn't the one performing. She hadn't seen the band practice or anything, so she had no idea what the music was going to sound like.

"Earth to Katsumi." 

A light bump on her forehead brought Katsumi out of her thoughts with a wince. She looked up to see Bakugo and Kirishima staring at her.

"Jeez, you always zone out," Kirishima grinned. "You overthink things quite a bit still."

"Ah, sorry..." Katsumi gave him a tired smile. "I have a lot on my mind."

"It's time for lunch," Bakugo muttered. "Let's go."

Katsumi nodded, standing up to walk with them, but was stopped as Aizawa walked past the classroom, pausing when he saw Katsumi.

"Oh, you're still in here. Good. I needed to talk to you."

"Hm?" Katsumi tilted her head. They weren't to see Eri until tomorrow. "What is it?"

Aizawa looked at Bakugo and Kirishima for a moment before he let out a sigh. "Eri has been granted permission to come to the Festival. She'll be here in a few days to kind of get used to being in this environment."

Katsumi's eyes brightened and a smile came to her face. "That's wonderful! Eri's going to absolutely love it."

"Midoriya and Mirio actually helped arrange it, so be sure to thank them, too," Aizawa prefaced. "While she's here, I'd like you to help watch her. She'll mostly be with Mirio and Midoriya, but since she trusts you, I want you around her as well. I know it'll interfere with what you were helping out with for the concert, but I would really appreciate you helping out. She'll be nervous enough as it is."

"Of course," Katsumi nodded. "I'll help Eri out in any way I can. I'll stay by her side as much as possible."

"Good," Aizawa looked down at his phone. "She'll be here in two days. I'll let you know when we bring her here so you can meet her. I'll ask that you work with Mirio and Midoriya for this; she seems to be comfortable around those two as well. Can you do that?"

"Absolutely, sir," Katsumi held her hands together in front of her. "I want to make sure Eri enjoys herself."

"Good, then that's settled. Sorry for keeping you from lunch. And I'm sure you boys realize this stays under wraps, correct?"

Bakugo and Kirishima both nodded to Aizawa in confirmation. Aizawa gave them a curt nod before he walked off. 

As soon as he walked away, Katsumi's shoulders slumped down, and she buried her hands in her face. A loud sigh left her lips, and the sudden depressed attitude that overtook her startled the two men who were with her.

"W-what's wrong?!" Kirishima stammered.

"I want to make sure Eri has the best time while she's here," Katsumi murmured. "But I have no idea how to know if someone's having fun. I don't know how to do that at all. I don't even know what qualifies as fun."

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