Chapter 35

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Katsumi was still curled up on her bed when someone pounded on her door, making her jolt upright.

"W-who is it?"

"Who else, dumbass?!"

Oh, it was Bakugo.

She barely got the words out of her mouth for him to come in before he barged through her door, slamming it behind him. He looked extremely irritated and aggravated at something. Katsumi was hoping it wasn't her.

He stalked over towards her and Katsumi's eyes widened, a blush still on her cheeks as she scooted back further on the bed. 

"Where are you going?" Bakugo growled. "What are you so nervous about?"

Katsumi broke his intense gaze, looking down at the ground. It was a hard topic to casually talk about; especially for her. She didn't exactly know how to describe what she was feeling or why.

"You're a blushing mess, Katsumi," Bakugo huffed. He put one knee on her bed, and Katsumi slowly raised her eyes to see him glaring at her. "Why the hell are you so flustered?"

As Bakugo got closer to her on the bed, she felt her heartbeat pick up. Now there was more than one reason she was flustered, and he wasn't helping the situation at all. 

Bakugo only stopped when he was right in front of her; Katsumi was trapped against the wall at the edge of the bed. He plopped into a sitting position, crossing his legs and propping his hand against his knee. The relatively normal stance loosened some of the anxiety she was starting to feel.

"Kirishima told me what happened," Bakugo drawled. "You can't really be that flustered over it, can you?"

Katsumi looked at him with wide eyes. So he already knew. If he knew, why was he asking the question? The answer should be obvious.

But Bakugo seemed to want to hear it from her own lips.

"I-" Katsumi stopped, looking down at her lap. She started fiddling with her fingers, thinking of how she could get out of the situation without saying how she felt. As her eyes darted across the room, she heard Bakugo scoff.

"You can't get past me, Runt. If you try, I'm pinning you down. I'm staying until you decide to talk, because you're obviously bothered by what happened."

Oh. So that was it. He must've realized how Katsumi was feeling and wanted to talk it over so it wouldn't just weigh down on her mind. 

The thought was comforting, but it didn't make it any easier to talk about. 

"Well...I-" Katsumi clenched her hands into fists before she took in a deep breath, looking up at Bakugo desperately as she just forced the words out of her her mouth.

"I didn't mean to look!"

Bakugo's face dropped into confusion. "Huh?"

"I didn't mean to look! I didn't even want to! We were supposed to be fighting, and then all of a sudden all of his clothes fell off and I never even had time to react. He was right in front of me before I could even react or blink or cover my eyes or anything like that. I didn't mean to see, I didn't want to see. But I did! I saw everything and now it's stuck in my mind and I don't know what to do because I've never seen a male like that before and I don't know how I can erase that image from my mind or how I can forget about it or what I should do about it and I'm panicking because I can't think straight and I can't get it out of my head no matter what I do! I can't even look at any of my guy friends without it popping up and it scares me and I'm nervous and I don't know what to do about it-"

Katsumi had to stop her rant to catch a breath. Tears ended up running down her face at some point during her panicked and rapid explanation. Her eyes were even wider than before at the messy explanation she just offered.

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