Chapter 24

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When Miyamoto finally opened her eyes, she could feel herself breathing through a ventilator. Her whole body was stiff and pain ricocheted throughout her nerves.

Oh. This is familiar.

She blinked a few times, trying to remember how she got here and what happened to her. She looked around the room, seeing multiple flowers on the table beside her. Then it clicked.

Everything that had happened flashed through Miyamoto's head so fast it gave her a headache. She jolted up to a sitting position, tugging off the ventilator so she could breathe. Her chest heaved up and down as she recalled how she got stabbed.

And how Bakugo was gone.

Tears gathered in her eyes and she put a hand over her mouth. Every movement she made caused her pain; but she couldn't stop herself from trying to stand up. Where was everyone? Where was Aizawa? Where was Bakugo? How could she find him?

The door to her hospital room opened and she looked up to see Aizawa, who cursed when he saw her moving.

"Miyamoto, lay back down! You can't be moving yet."

"But, Aizawa-" Miyamoto's voice cracked and tears slipped down her face. She looked helpless and desperate; Aizawa's shoulders sagged as he walked over to her, making her sit back on the bed. He pulled up a chair and sat beside her.

He had been feeling a lot of mixed emotions ever since that night. Aizawa was relieved Miyamoto hadn't been taken, but was terrified when he saw her injuries. He also felt guilty and helpless as a teacher, and a failure as a hero. He hadn't been able to protect his students.

But now, seeing Miyamoto's helpless and heartbroken face, made him feel even worse. He knew why she was so distraught. And he was dreading this conversation.

"You're still in bad shape, Miyamoto," Aizawa started gently. "Your wounds were terrible. You've been in critical condition the past few days. It'll take at least two more days to stabilize you."

"I can't stay here," Miyamoto panicked. "I have to go. I have to go find him."

Her breathing began to pick up and Aizawa placed both hands on her shoulders. "Breathe, Katsumi. Breathe. You can't do anything if you aren't breathing."

Miyamoto took a minute to regulate her breathing again. Tears slipped down her eyes and she looked at Aizawa.

"He's gone," her voice wobbled. "He's gone and I didn't do anything."

Aizawa watched as she began to cry. He placed a hand on her head and let out a sigh. Miyamoto hiccupped, wiping her eyes.

"I was there! I was training so hard to be able to help him and others! What good am I if I can't protect anyone?! Dabi...Dabi took him right in front of me! He took Bakugo and now he's gone!"

"This is nowhere near your fault. Don't blame yourself for something we should have prevented." 

"We have to get him back!" Miyamoto cried out, falling forward into Aizawa's arms. "We have to get Bakugo back, Dad! I can't lose him!"

Aizawa wrapped his arms around Katsumi as tightly as he could with her injuries, his eyes closing. She continued to sob into his shoulder, her body shaking as she was overcome with grief.

"I don't want him to go through what I did. I don't want him to be hurt like that. Please, please tell me they aren't going to do anything like that to him!"

Aizawa wished with every fiber in his body he could reassure her they wouldn't harm Bakugo. Even if the villains were wanting him to join their side, there was no telling if they would try to use physical force.

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