Chapter 64

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Katsumi's eyes are locked in front of her, feet briskly walking down a cold corridor. Her hands tremble beside her and she dares not look to see what Aizawa's face looks like as he keeps pace with her.

The day after their Christmas party, Aizawa got a phone call from the prison hospital where Katsumi's parents were being treated. 

Her parents claimed they only tried to take Katsumi back to keep her away from society: she was too dangerous to be a hero. Her quirk would lead not only to her destruction, but to the destruction of everyone around her. 

Because of that, Katsumi had to go to the police for an interview to give them her official account of what happened when her parents took her from U.A.

When the incident first happened, Aizawa was the one who gave the account on behalf of the students. Mostly because Katsumi was unconscious in the hospital. But she was also a minor and under Aizawa's guardianship. 

Now, however, since Katsumi's parents decided to change the approach they took to weasel themselves out of prison, Katsumi found herself getting dragged right into the one event she wanted to forget the most.

Aizawa was upset and irritated at the situation. Her friends were worried what testifying would do to Katsumi's mental state.

Bakugo was absolutely furious at the cowardice shown by her former parents.

"You shouldn't have to go!" Bakugo raged. Katsumi kept her head down at the time trying to process what Aizawa had told her.

"They're trying to weasel themselves out of what they've done! How can they even do this? You said any documentation of her being related to them was destroyed!"

"DNA," Aizawa muttered. "They ordered a DNA test. It doesn't really change much in the long run besides outing themselves as her former parents. This is quite literally an all or nothing for them; they're risking exposing every illegal and horrible thing they've done to their daughter, including selling, disowning, and then kidnapping her, if they can use it to justify their defense of her being too dangerous to be left in society."

"It's absolute crap!" Bakugo hissed.

"Agreed," Aizawa huffed. "But since the police have ordered Katsumi to come in, she has to."

"I don't like it!" Bakugo growled. "Those snakes would do anything to-"

"It's okay, Katsuki."

Katsumi's hallowed tone had caused immediate worry in the two men, who both turned to her. She finally raised her head, swallowing hard.

"I have to do this."

Bakugo's face twisted in pain. "But it's not right! They're trying to manipulate you and those around you. Putting you through all that again is..."

Katsumi walked over and grabbed Bakugo's hand, lifting it up. "I have to do this, Katsuki. Not just...not just to prove whatever innocence I have left. I have to move past them for good."

Surprise flitted on both Aizawa and Bakugo's face at her reasoning.


"If I ever want to get better, truly better," Katsumi closed her eyes. "Then I have to overcome this. Overcome them. I have to put them behind me and keep them in the past."

She adjusted her grip on Bakugo's hand so the ring he gave her clearly rested on top for both of them to see.

"If I ever want to have a future, not just for myself, but a future with you...and with everyone I love and care about, I have to do this. Because I want that future. More desperately than I ever thought I would. I have to do this for that future...for myself."

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