Chapter 62

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A few days had passed since Katsumi came back. It was hard at first, trying to adapt back into the pace of classes and not worrying her classmates too much. Even after talking things out with her closest friends, which of course was a sobfest for all of them, Katsumi was still feeling out of it.

Not like she had before though. It wasn't like the hidden anger or rage because of her parents, or the deep depression she suffered talking with Dabi.

It was more of just an odd feeling. Sort of like feeling on the edge of a pool, dipping your toes in, but afraid to fully submerge yourself in. What if you couldn't swim? What if you drowned?

But what if the water felt amazing? And you could relax and enjoy yourself?

That feeling pressed on Katsumi as she went through her daily tasks.

The days had grown extremely cold. Some of her classmates would often go outside to play in the snow. Katsumi opted to sit on a bench and watch them have what they called "snowball fights".

Kirishima and Kaminari had asked her once or twice if she wanted to join, but she said no. It was more fascinating for her to watch how they enjoyed themselves in this weather.

She was still not used to seeing snow. Her sitting on the bench was partially just so she could observe how the wintry mix fell from the clouds and drifted towards the ground.

It gave her a type of peace she hadn't felt in a long time.

Aizawa had given her a lot of help too. Christmas was around the corner, and even though their previous shopping trip had been thwarted, Aizawa still found a way for both Katsumi and Eri to get the gifts they wanted to give to others during the party.

Aizawa said it would give Katsumi something positive to look forward to.

As she sat thinking about all this, Katsumi swung her feet back and forth on the bench she sat on, kicking up fluffy snow as she did. It was still snowing, and the piles of snow continued to grow larger and larger.

"Oh? You still out here?"

Katsumi turned towards the familiar voice, seeing Kirishima's bright smile as he walked over to her.

"If you stay out in the snow too long, you may catch a cold."

She gave him a soft smile. "It's okay, I think I'm fine."

"Here," Kirishima took off the scarf he was wearing before wrapping it around Katsumi's neck. "At least keep yourself warm."

Katsumi opened her mouth to protest his kindness, but as Kirishima took a seat beside her, she thought against it. Instead, she snuggled into the scarf, not realizing how cold she was getting.

"Thank you."

"Snow is still new for you, isn't it?" Kirishima looked up at the sky. Katsumi looked over at him, judging the emotions on his face, before she looked up as well.

"It is. It's kind of...peaceful."

"I agree," Kirishima murmured. "The atmosphere the snow creates really is unmatched. Despite how cold it is, you feel warm and peaceful."

"Yeah," Katsumi looked at the ground, moving her feet back and forth so she could kick around some more snow. "It's pretty, too."

"What's your favorite thing about the snow?"

Katsumi held out her hands, letting small snowflakes fall into them before melting away. "It's so soft and harmless. I feel like it could never harm anyone."

Kirishima let out a small chuckle. "You've never seen a blizzard then."

Katsumi looked over at him, an eyebrow raised. He saw her expression and smiled. "A blizzard is a snow storm. Super harsh and very violent. It can bury things in snow for weeks, and if someone gets caught outside in one, they could die."

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