Chapter 12

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Miyamoto, along with several others from class 1-A, were jutting to the front of the race. They had somehow managed to clear past the masses from the tunnel, and were now trying to run ahead of everyone.

Todoroki shot out his ice, trying to cover the entire surface area to trip everyone up. Miyamoto saw the ice coming and gasped, jumping just as it neared. Because she wasn't in her hero outfit, Miyamoto felt some of her quirk seep down through her body, adjusting her to the ice.

While she wasn't glad at the lack of control she had, Miyamoto was partially thankful for it, as she was able to run full speed across the ice without falling.

She wasn't the only one who had made it past Todoroki's ice. Miyamoto could see Bakugo, Momo, and Kirishima from the corner of her eyes. With Bakugo's flashy quirk, he was easily able to make up speed, passing everyone as he tried to gain ground against Todoroki.

Her fellow classmates weren't her only obstacles, though. Huge, giant machines came into her path, causing her to stop. She let out a couple of deep breaths, noticing how Todoroki had already frozen the one in front of him to keep on going.

Miyamoto couldn't get left behind now. Not so early on into the competition.

Crouched low to the ground, Miyamoto let the darkness envelop her body before she propelled herself forward, straight at the metal monster's middle section. 

You practiced this. Miyamoto thought. You can do this.

As soon as she got close enough, Miyamoto pinpointed a spot through the middle and took in a deep breath. That spot is safe. That spot is where you can go. With that, the darkness that was swirling around her body swallowed her up, and she disappeared. 

In less than a second, Miyamoto appeared on the other side of the machine, falling to her feet as she coughed a couple of times. She winced as she stood up, breathing heavily at the amount of effort that took her.

But she pressed forward. She was now grateful Aizawa had made her try that technique. Even if she had failed doing it several times, often hitting trees or ending up hurting herself trying to get through a tree, she had been able to succeed a couple of times.

The move hurt her though. That quick movement and trying to find a safe spot to go to so fast messed with the equilibrium of the darkness within her; it didn't agree with doing something like that.

Miyamoto held her stomach as she ran. She could deal with the injury later. It wasn't a physical injury, so she should be fine. 

After all, she'd been through much worse anyways.

Ahead of her, Miyamoto could see Todoroki and Bakugo in the lead, and by the looks of it, there were a lot of her fellow classmates who were keeping up as well. She spotted Uraraka and Asui not too far away from her either.

The Fall was the next challenge. Miyamoto tried to decide which was the easiest way across. Instead of trying to go across the ropes or jump from platform to platform, Miyamoto took in a few deep breaths to settle herself down, focusing on the red stairs that were on the other side of the obstacle.

That spot. It was safe. There was no villains there. There weren't others who would get in her way. It was within range; she wouldn't do it so quick. 

It took her nearly thirty seconds to fixate one spot over there, making her fall behind, but once she secured it, Miyamoto let her quirk sink her into darkness.

Contrary to what others thought about the darkness, Miyamoto could see within it. She saw where she was going, where her safe spot was, and could see if there was any danger near her. Her safe spots shone like a bright red light, waving her forward to them. It was part of her quirk that developed when she was in that lab; the darkness was the only place she was alone.

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