Chapter 48

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Katsumi, Eri, and Mirio had made their way outside the gym towards the back where the rest of Class 1-A was cleaning up from the concert. Eri seemed eager to find Midoriya and talk to him about the performance.

Luckily, Mirio was able to spot the busy green-haired boy and call him over. Katsumi gave him a smile as he came over to them. He looked down at Eri, who immediately began to go into an exposition about her experience of the concert. Her bright eyes shone with excitement and happiness, the same smile from before still on her face as she giddily recalled everything from their performance.

Katsumi looked up at Midoriya, seeing happy tears in his eyes because of Eri's smile. When Eri noticed, she paused, looking at him with a worried look. Midoriya wiped his eyes and gave Eri a heartwarming smile.

"I'm so glad you had fun."

Eri smiled again at Midoriya. 

Before he could talk to Eri more, he was interrupted by Mineta, who seemed overly anxious to get everything cleaned up in a hurry. Midoriya gave an apologetic smile to them before saying he'd be back after cleanup, and he ran off to help.

"I think I should help too," Katsumi said. "I can at least do something to make it easier for them."

As she started to walk towards her classmates, she felt a tug on her hand. Eri had run up to her, a wide smile on her face.

She motioned for Katsumi to bend down, and Katsumi complied, getting eye-level with Eri.

"I understand what you meant the other day," Eri's eyes shone. "What it really means to be a hero. I get it now!"

Katsumi smiled. "Really? That's wonderful! I'm so glad."

Eri nodded her head. "Heroes are people who make you happy and who are always there to make you smile. They save you in more than one way, right?"

Katsumi could have cried at the simple yet profound analysis Eri had just given her. 

"Yes, that's right."

"Lemillion and Deku really are my heroes, then," Eri held Katsumi's hand. "And you are too. You're one of my heroes."

Katsumi couldn't help the tear that dripped from her left eye. She squeezed Eri's hand tight, giving the small child a wide smile. Katsumi could hardly express how happy that simple statement had made her.

"You know what, Eri?" Katsumi spoke after she got her emotions under control. "You're one of my heroes too."

Eri's eyes got wide. "Really? Me?"

"Yes," Katsumi nodded. "You make me so happy."

Eri's smile grew wide and she made an adorable little gasp of happiness. "I'm so glad!"

Katsumi drew Eri into a hug, wiping away the tear that had gone down her face. When Eri pulled back, she had an inquisitive look in her eyes.

"Do you have heroes too, like Lemillion and Deku?"

"I do," Katsumi confirmed. She looked around before she pointed to Kirishima and Kaminari. "Those two are heroes of mine, and dear friends. They are some wonderful people."

She then pointed to Bakugo, who was melting some ice. "Then there's him. He's...he's a hero I owe everything to. He's helped me in ways I'll never be able to repay, but he never expects anything from what he gives."

"He looks angry," Eri pouted. "Is he scary?"

Katsumi let out a little laugh at Eri's assessment. She didn't notice Bakugo had caught her pointing him out to Eri.

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