Chapter 13

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Miyamoto was finally able to breathe, but had no strength to do anything else. Bakugo had waited, as he said, and was patient not so say anything other than reminding her to breathe.

"I," Miyamoto held her free hand to her throat with a wince. It was sore from the crying and screaming. Her lip quivered as she looked back up to Bakugo. It was a pleading expression; one he didn't quite know how to answer. "I'm sorry."

Her voice was raw and raspy. Bakugo could tell she meant the apology with every fiber of her being. Not letting go of her hand, just in case she started to cry again, Bakugo let out a sigh.

"What the hell was that?" he questioned. "That wasn't just darkness that I saw in your attack."

Even though he had said it calmly, Miyamoto let out a soft sob. Bakugo hunched over, irritated that his plan to talk calmly with her still ended up making her cry.

"Why did that make you cry?! I'm not yelling!"

Miyamoto held her right hand to her chest, and Bakugo noticed for the first time it was completely uncovered. He could see the beginnings of what looked like a scar around her wrist, but it disappeared under the long-sleeved athletic suit she wore.

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't know that was gonna make you cry!" His frantic attempt to keep her from sobbing again was not working very well.

Miyamoto shook her head. "It...wasn't-wasn't you." 

"Then was it what I said?" Bakugo asked confused. Miyamoto couldn't even answer him. More tears slipped down her face as she looked into his eyes.

Before Bakugo could say anything else, he heard Aizawa's voice from beside him. "Bakugo, don't."

Aizawa had been scouring the building for any sight of Miyamoto; he knew she would go somewhere isolated. He was half-pleased she had already been found by someone. He walked over to Miyamoto, wishing his arms weren't in casts so he could give her a hug. But since he couldn't, he just knelt down beside her.

Miyamoto looked at Aizawa helplessly. She didn't have to say a word for him to completely understand what she was going through.

"It's okay," he murmured. "They're not hurt, they're just passed out. Recovery Girl has them. You haven't done anything."

Bakugo watched in silence as Miyamoto hiccupped, looking down at her right hand. She gripped Bakugo's hand for the first time for some sort of comfort. 

"We'll talk about it later," Aizawa's voice was calm and gentle. "For now, just focus on getting yourself together."

"I-I can't," Miyamoto stuttered out, her eyes transfixed on Aizawa. "I can't compete today."

Bakugo was about to yell at her for the decision, but Aizawa gave him a look that kept his mouth closed. 

"Very well," Aizawa muttered. Bakugo could tell he wasn't all too pleased either, but he respected her wish. "I'll tell them you resign because your attack backfired and you're hurt."

"Lie?" Bakugo grumbled. Aizawa looked at him.

"No, it's not," Aizawa said. "She is hurt...just not where you can see."

Bakugo looked back at Miyamoto, who had her head down. Her hair was over her eyes, but he could still see them; they looked glazed. Aizawa's words could have several implications, but Bakugo didn't know which one he meant. 

"Then I'll take my leave," Bakugo muttered. "It's no good talking right now. Rest up."

Miyamoto wanted him to stay the moment his hand let go of hers. He stood up, looking down at Miyamoto as she half-heartedly glanced up at him.

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