Chapter 60

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Katsumi's body was shaking as Bakugo held her. 

Even though she knew he had caught her, her body still felt as if it were falling. The shock of her actions, her decision, and the sensation of plummeting to her death through the air wouldn't leave her mind. 

It was making it hard for her to recover and speak to anyone, despite what she said to Bakugo through her adrenaline rush just minutes ago.


Katsumi could barely lift her head when she saw Aizawa fall to his knees in front of her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her in for a hug. His arms enclosed around her body, quieting her shaking form as he held her as close to him as possible.

"I'm so sorry, Katsumi," Aizawa breathed out. "I'm so sorry I let him take you."

Katsumi's lips parted to reply, but her throat ached. She didn't know if she had been screaming or if she was silent during her fall. But the burning in her throat and the heavy ache against her chest and ribcage made her realize she must have screamed. At least once. 

Instead of a verbal response, Katsumi lifted her heavy arms and put them around Aizawa, holding him just as tight as he held her.

She didn't blame Aizawa. She knew it wasn't his fault. Katsumi so desperately wanted to reassure her father of that fact, but her voice wasn't working.

All she could do was cry.

Aizawa closed his eyes, understanding her silence, and took in deep breaths, trying to calm himself down too. 

He never wanted to see an image of her falling ever again.

When he opened his eyes again and began looking around at the group, he could see that same terror etched into everyone's face. 

Bakugo's, Midoriya's, Midnight's, and Present Mic's faces all looked as pale and fearful as Aizawa was. 

Aizawa kept Katsumi in his arms but turned to Bakugo, who was still sitting right beside Katsumi, and put a hand on his head, pulling the young hero into a hug whether he wanted it or not.

"W-what are you-?"

"Thank you," Aizawa breathed out. His simple gratitude silenced Bakugo because of the weight the words carried behind it. "Thank you for catching her."

Bakugo remained quiet, allowing Aizawa to hug both him and Katsumi as police sirens began to go off. 

The building was surrounded, but the heroes knew they wouldn't find the villains that were previously at the top of the building. Not now. 

But at that point, Aizawa couldn't care less.

Katsumi was safe. And that's what mattered.

Aizawa finally let Katsumi go, helping her to her feet. Her eyes looked haunted in more than one way and it broke his heart. They had just gotten Katsumi back: he prayed this encounter with Dabi didn't reverse that change.

An officer offered a blanket to Bakugo, Midoriya, and Katsumi. Bakugo ended up putting his blanket over the one Katsumi had wrapped around her, providing the shocked and mute girl with another layer of protection.

Bakugo stared at Katsumi as the pro heroes took care of everything at the scene with the police. Her eyes were glazed over. He had so many things he wanted to ask her. So many answers he wanted.

Midoriya carefully approached Katsumi, his hands hesitantly reaching out towards her, but he keeps retracting his hands before he can grab Katsumi. 

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