Chapter 17

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A few days had passed since Miyamoto's dinner at the Bakugo household, and now, everyone was gearing up for their hero internships. There were several students going to work with different pro heroes, and Miyamoto couldn't help but feel sad at being left behind.

Bakugo was headed to Best Jeanist; Miyamoto hadn't heard of many pro heroes, but he was apparently one of the best ones out there. 

She found herself distracted throughout the first half of the day and even through lunch. Miyamoto didn't talk much with the others, even when Mina joined their table to talk with them. 

Because of her past and all of the fear she had, it was holding her back. All of her other classmates were so far ahead of her in so many different ways, and now this was just another building block she would have to catch up on.

Her focus didn't come back until the school day had ended and everyone was going to the station with Aizawa to be sent off to their respective internships. Aizawa was giving his students orders about how he expected them to act while they were with the heroes, and Miyamoto's shoulders fell. One week they'd have an internship experience that she wouldn't.

Part of her was glad; she didn't think she could possibly feel comforted by being in the presence of heroes she didn't know. It would just remind her of her parents: despite them being called 'heroes' by society, they disowned and sold their daughter as a lab rat. 

"See you later, Katsu-chan!" Mina said, breaking Miyamoto from her thoughts as the pink girl's arms flung around her neck. Miyamoto timidly gave her a hug back.

"Have fun."

Miyamoto looked at Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Bakugo. "I hope all of your internships go really well."

"We'll tell you all about it when we get back!" Kirishima gave her a thumbs up. "You'll feel like you were there with us the whole time."

She tried to smile but struggled to do so, instead giving them all a small bow. "Be safe."

"Oi," Bakugo caught her attention and she looked up. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't just mope. Get stronger while we're gone."

"Geh, you're terrible with words," Sero complained. "You sound so mean when you put it that way."

Bakugo grunted at his friend, but Miyamoto found his words comforting in a way. Sero wasn't wrong; Bakugo said things a certain type of way, and only a few amount of people understood what he really meant.

She was one of them.

"I'll be stronger by the time you all return from your internships." Miyamoto affirmed, but sure how she was going to do this, but wanted to try all the same.

Bakugo grinned at her response, and the rest of the group sent smiles her way. After that, she bid them all farewell, watching them get on the train as she went to stand beside Aizawa. There were a few others who didn't have internships, but none of the rest came to the station. Miyamoto had just wanted to see her friends off.

"You seem pretty upset," Aizawa commented, looking down at her. He no longer had any bandages on, and it was good for Miyamoto to be able to see his face again. "Is it because the people you talk to are leaving?"

"That, and because I'm being left behind. Again."

"You can't blame yourself for that," Aizawa put a hand on her shoulder. "You've had significantly less time to adapt and grow, unlike them. Don't try to reach 100 automatically. You have to build yourself up to it, one step at a time."

"Yes, sir," Miyamoto nodded. "I'll do my best."

"Speaking of which," Miyamoto looked up to Aizawa, who had a small grin on his face. "You have an internship of your own to attend."

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