Chapter 52

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When Katsumi regained her footing, she wildly looked around, desperately trying to figure out where she was.

She knew who had grabbed her. She knew two of the faces who took her.

Her biggest worry was where they took her.

To her absolute horror, she saw Midoriya, Katsuki, and Aizawa stumbling around close to her. She was mystified. 

They'd all been taken?

Her mind snapped into survival mode, turning around with her back to the people she trusted, just in time to bat away a hand that was reaching out towards her.

A sickening grin came to her father's face as Katsumi retreated back from him.

"Now, look what you've done, Katsumi," he shook his head in disappointment. "Because of you, these people are wrapped up in your unfortunate life."

Katsumi felt her body stiffen. Her former abuser took notice of this, his grin widening.

"I would've thought you didn't want anyone else to die because of your selfish actions, but I guess I was wrong."

A chill went down Katsumi's spine and her eyes grew wide.

"N-no," she stammered out. "They can't die."

"But they will," her father continued his assault. "They will because you never learned. We told you long ago that it was worthless for you to know anyone. That all you would ever bring anyone in this world because of that cursed quirk of yours was pain and death. And now look what you've done."

Katsumi felt small as her father gestured around him. She dared to look, seeing Aizawa now giving Midoriya and Katsuki instructions as they were facing off against her mother and the third man, someone Katsumi didn't recognize, but knew he was the one who warped them here.


She seemed to jump out of a trance that had temporarily been placed on her, and the girl's fearful eyes met red ones.

"Are you gonna let that bastard keep talking to you like that?! We're not gonna die! None of us. So get out of your own head, dumbass, and start fighting. We gotta win!"

The harsh words from Bakugo made Katsumi turn back to her father, stumbling away from him so she could be nearer to her group.

"They're all three dangerous," Katsumi whispered. "I don't...we can't..."

"We're going to be fine, Katsumi," Aizawa's controlled voice broke through. It was clear he was analyzing the situation at hand. "But we're not going to get anywhere without knocking out the one who warped us here. We don't want to risk you getting warped again without us."

Katsumi found it hard to listen as she stared at her father, who was still grinning like a madman. She hadn't even had the chance to look at her mother properly.

She didn't know if she even wanted to.

"You can't erase all of our quirks at once, Eraser Head," her father crooned. "Just give the girl up without a fight and we'll let you go. She's not worth your trouble."

"Like hell we'd ever let her go," Bakugo growled. "This gives me a good excuse to beat your pathetic asses. I ain't letting this chance go."

"P...please," Katsumi met her father's gaze once more and felt all the growth she had gone through begin slipping away. "Don't."

She wasn't sure who she was talking to. She didn't know if she wanted them all to let her go, to let her father take her back so they would be safe, or if she was begging her father not to do this.

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