Chapter 2

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Class 1-A was a lot friendlier than Miyamoto anticipated they would be, but she also had no idea how to respond to their kindness.

Despite her lack of response to their kind words and introductions, none of her classmates were deterred from getting to know her. The first half of the day, various people would come up to try to talk to her. Luckily, they all seemed to heed Aizawa's warning and didn't crowd her too much.

Now that it was lunchtime, Miyamoto was currently writing all her different classmates' names down in her notebook so she would remember them. She gave each one a distinguished physical characteristic to remember them by.

She decided to stay back in the classroom to eat her food so she could get some peace and quiet. There was another student there. Miyamoto looked at her notebook before recalling his name - Aoyama. He was sparkly and blond.

Aoyama said a few things to Miyamoto throughout the lunch period, and she'd stumble over a response that seemed fitting to what he had said. But it was mostly a nice, comfortable silence as they ate and Miyamoto wrote.

On his own, Aoyama seemed to be pretty nice and respectful. Miyamoto guessed that when he was around others, he competed for attention by doing weird or bizarre things. It didn't bother her; it just took her by surprise when he wouldn't stop talking about himself twinkling.

Miyamoto looked down at her notebook to review all the names she had in there. Aoyama, Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka, Iida, Mina, Sero, Hagakure, Asui, and Bakugo. 

There were still several of her classmates that she didn't know much about. She had slots for each one of them with descriptions, but their names were empty. 

There were nine empty name spots in her notebook that made Miyamoto let out a long sigh. She could barely remember all of the teachers; how could she possibly remember all twenty of her fellow classmates' names?

"You're missing some?"

Miyamoto jumped at the voice, looking with wide eyes up to see Aizawa in front of her. She let out a sigh of relief at his appearance before she nodded her head. 

"It's difficult to learn everyone's names so fast." Miyamoto muttered. Aizawa grunted an understanding before he looked over at Aoyama. 

"Aoyama, could you tell Miyamoto the rest of her classmates names? I don't want her bombarded again and lunch is nearly over."

Miyamoto looked at Aizawa earnestly. She was secretly hoping he would fill in the blanks for her. Reading her mind, Aizawa gave her a small grin as Aoyama made his way over to her. 

"You have to talk to them, too. Not just me."

He thanked Aoyama before going back up to the front and crawling back into his sleeping bag. Miyamoto's shoulders slumped before she turned to Aoyama. He had a smile on his face as he looked at her.

"May I see who you have?"


Miyamoto handed the journal over and Aoyama's face brightened. "Merci! I'm the first one!"

She gave him a half-smile, not wanting to spoil his joy by saying she had only remembered him because of how much he stood out.

Aoyama quickly helped Miyamoto fill in the rest of the names in a flashy way, and he complimented the aspects of their appearance she happened to pick out to help her remember them.

"It's easier for me this way." Miyamoto mumbled. Aoyama struck a pose and gave her a smile.

"You have a great eye!"

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