Chapter 33

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Katsumi stared at Bakugo with wide eyes, not sure what to say. His whole body seemed to be trembling with a certain type of rage. One that Katsumi hadn't seen since the Sports Festival. But this seemed to be on such a greater scale than before.

She was afraid of what would happen.

As results were passed out, she heard Kirishima and Kaminari talking with Bakugo, half-trying to cheer him up. But he was quick to shut them down. 

Katsumi could tell he was trying his hardest to keep a lid on his temper. 

When she was handed her results, she looked down at her paper, scanning over the score. She got a 90 overall. There were points deducted for efficiency, hesitation, and how she was too quick to separate from her group.

Deciding she would read all the detailed notes later, she put the paper down, looking around. Kaminari and Kirishima showed their results to one another, but Katsumi's eyes found Bakugo's. 

"What'd you get?"

It definitely sounded much more like a demand rather than a request, but Katsumi didn't particularly feel like showing him. She didn't want to make him angry at her or anything of the sort.

She found her hand lifting as she held her paper up for him to see. His red eyes burned through her paper and he took in a deep breath, his jaw set. 

Lucky for her, Kaminari said something to Bakugo again, making him turn around and yell at his blonde-headed friend.

Katsumi felt conflicted about her results. She was so happy she passed and that she'd receive her license. But at the same time, she didn't feel it proper for her to get one when Bakugo didn't. He taught her a lot of things; there was no way she was worthier for a license than he was.

In her mind, she would never consider herself stronger or better than Bakugo. He was an equal; someone who trained and helped her become who she was. 

She wanted him to succeed with her.


Katsumi tried to reach out her hand, but the look she received from Bakugo instantly made her withdraw it back. 

"Don't," Bakugo growled. "Do NOT even think about feeling sorry for me. I don't need any stupid sympathy."

Katsumi's shoulders sank, but she quietly nodded her head. He was right; hearing any sort of sympathy or words of encouragement wouldn't quell the anger he had, or the disappointment within himself. In fact, it would probably make it worse.

Katsumi turned to face the front as the chairman began talking again. Her eyes widened when she heard about the chance for those who had failed. A class they would take for 3 months and take a test for their license. 

A small smile came to her face. Hope. That would give him so much hope and determination.

As she heard Bakugo's response to his question, a small sense of relief filled her. It wasn't all lost. He could still get his license, even if it was just a few months behind. There wasn't anything wrong with that.

And apparently, he wasn't the only one. Katsumi saw Todoroki say his own response. It surprised Katsumi that two of the strongest people in class 1-A didn't pass. Nothing about it made sense to her, but she knew the examiners had to have some sort of reason.

The rest of the day seemed to go by in a blur. Before she knew it, her license was in her hand with her picture on it and they were heading back out to the bus to head back to U.A.

Katsumi looked at her license, the unsettling feeling she had about it fizzing away as a certain amount of pride replaced it. She had done it. But she didn't do it alone. There were so many people she wanted to thank for helping her get this far. 

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