Chapter 15

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Miyamoto had tears in her eyes at Bakugo's promise. She nodded her head to him before she looked down at his hand that held hers.

"What...what if you get hurt, because of me?"

"Then I get hurt," Bakugo bluntly replied. "Would you not help me out because I was worried you'd get hurt because of me?"

Miyamoto shook her head. A small grin came to his face. "It's the same principle."

She thought about it for a few moments before she grabbed his hand with both of hers, carefully holding his hand.

"Then...then I promise to protect you, too."

Miyamoto looked up at Bakugo, who seemed both irritated and flustered at her decision to return the promise to him. 

"I don't need protection," he huffed out, bringing the hand from her head to behind his neck, rubbing it as he looked away from her inquisitive eyes. "But whatever. You can protect me."

Miyamoto gave his hand a squeeze, glad he had accepted the promise she made, just as she had accepted his.

"I know this is a weird question, but I'm curious," Bakugo muttered. Miyamoto tilted her head to the side. "What did those guys want to achieve with your quirk?"

Miyamoto frowned. Her eyes fell downcast and she let out a heavy sigh. "For awhile, they were trying to extract my quirk so they could make a copy of it. They failed, so they decided to try to manipulate the quirk to see if they could change the properties of it. And eventually, once their tests were complete, they were going to sell me to the highest bidding villain."

Bakugo was disgusted at the thought, but he kept the rage off of his face for the most part. "Well, it's a good thing they didn't succeed. And now they never will."

"Yeah." Miyamoto only sounded half-sure about that part, but Bakugo figured it was only natural. The more he thought about it, the more he realized she had only been out of that lab for around four or five months. She was still brand new to everything.

No wonder her trauma was still so fresh.

"But you know, your quirk kind of saved you."

Miyamoto looked at Bakugo with harsh eyes full of doubt. He took hold of both of her wrists and held her hands up so they were eye-level. He looked from her hands to her eyes.

"You being strong enough not to give up while being there, and even having the power to find a place to hide away, even if it was infallible, is pretty damn strong. You were able to survive because you adapted to your quirk's abilities, right?"

Miyamoto paused at his words, thinking them over. What would have happened had she never been able to escape into the darkness? There were several occasions that saved her from more torture.

"You chose darkness as your main one to use because it made you feel the safest, right?" Bakugo pressed. 

Miyamoto slowly nodded her head. She would've never considered her quirk to be part of the reason she had lived. 

"But," she muttered. "If I had never been born, or if I hadn't ever manifested a quirk, none of this would've happened to me."

Fury lit Bakugo's face and he let out an angry grunt. "HUH?!"

He pulled Miyamoto's wrists towards him and she let out a gasp, falling forward, and he went forward with his head, headbutting her directly on the forehead.

Miyamoto winced, about to pull away, but Bakugo pressed further, keeping his angry eyes locked on hers as he stared at her, inches from her face.

"Don't you dare ever wish you'd never been born! Never say you wish you didn't have a quirk! It's not your fault you were born with horrible parents! It's not your fault they did that to you! You're still a human! You still deserve to live, no matter how crappy your life has been before this! None of this was ever your fault!"

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