Chapter 22

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Miyamoto yawned, rubbing her tired eyes as she stood with the rest of her classmates in front of Aizawa. She didn't know why he wanted them to start so early in the morning, but here they were.

Momo had done exactly as she told Miyamoto, and she made long-sleeved shirts and pants that were heat-resistant for Miyamoto to wear underneath her U.A. athletic uniform. Miyamoto had tried to tell Momo only one pair was necessary, but Momo went ahead and made three different ones, in different colors, for Miyamoto to have.

Miyamoto had thanked her multiple times before bed and even in the morning after she was dressed. Momo was just happy to be able to be helpful.

But now, Aizawa was testing how much they'd grown over the past few months by using Bakugo as an example. Miyamoto hadn't been at U.A. when they had done the first test of strength with the ball, but apparently throwing it was supposed to tell them where they were, power-wise.

There wasn't as much progression as the rest of class 1-A thought.

Aizawa went into an explanation of while how they had grown and faced a lot of situations where they were put to the test, their quirks themselves had not progressed that much. Which is what the camp was going to focus on.

Aizawa's grin and warning about them feeling like they would want to die made Miyamoto slump her shoulders. She knew Aizawa would never let something like that happen in reality; he was just trying to motivate her classmates.

Everyone was assigned to a different part of the training grounds, with something specific to training their quirk. 

Miyamoto ended up on one of the cliffsides, across from Koda, with targets made of rock on the ground she was supposed to break with her darkness. Aizawa wanted her to work on her long-ranged attacks, apparently.

Extending her hand, she took in a deep breath, breathing through her nose as the darkness flashed out of her hand, hurtling towards the first target. Her aim was spot on and the rock broke. A small smile came to Miyamoto's face as she went to the next target, thinking the training was not as bad as Aizawa made it sound like.

She was wrong.

For every target she broke, three smaller ones would appear. Aizawa came over and explained to her that with the versatility of her quirk, she should be able to hit more than one target at a time. And he encouraged her to discreetly use at least one other element of her quirk so she could begin incorporating it into her fighting.

It was bitter, tiring work. Miyamoto was exhausted after the first few hours, but the work wasn't relenting. 

She had around three hundred small targets on the ground now, and her body was aching from using her quirk that much. With her hands stretched out in front of her, Miyamoto paired darkness and air together for her attacks.

The air not only swirled with the darkness to make her attacks faster, but it was easier to direct towards several targets. Since people can't usually see air or wind, it made the discretion of her multi-faceted quirk easier to conceal. 

Miyamoto let out a gasp, bending over to put her hands on her knees. Her arms were shaky with the effort to keep sending out attacks. She could tell her hands were going to be bruised from how much she directed her attacks out of them. Miyamoto wasn't really good at attacking with her legs, and it put a lot of pressure on her arms.

That's why she had to get stronger.

"Five minutes 'till lunch!" Pixie Bob announced. Miyamoto breathed slowly, trying to concentrate on the multiple rocks that had sprouted again from her last attack.

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