Chapter 32

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Katsumi dodged her opponents attacks, watching carefully as they tried to ambush her, trying to aim for her targets while immobilizing her. 

With her light attribute focusing her eyes and mind, she was able to locate and pinpoint every single movement. Nothing was out of her sight. 

Angling her feet down, Katsumi propelled herself forward with the air under her, rushing one of the four attackers. Her left arm extended; the darkness mixed in with her water created a whip-like weapon. In an instant, she wrapped him with her quirk and turned around, yanking him off the ground, propelling him into another one of her attackers.

Both men fell to the ground and Katsumi quickly shot higher in the air, dodging the attacks from the two remaining.

"Sorry," she said. "I can't have this last too long."

With that, she lifted both hands, taking in a deep breath. The darkened water shot down like piercing rain, knocking the other two to the ground and keeping the ones she already knocked down on the ground.

In an instant, she got out her own balls and used her air to propel her down towards them, and quickly took down two of them. 

When Katsumi landed on the ground, her quirk disappeared and she regained her balance on the dirt. The targets on her body glowed blue, signaling her success. A small smile came to her face as she was instructed on where to go.

She shot the other students an apologetic smile. "I really am sorry, but I made a promise. I couldn't break it."

As she made her way to the waiting area, her heart felt lighter. She had succeeded, just as she had said she would. And now, she could either see Bakugo already there waiting for her, or she would be able to wait for him.

The joy she felt almost made her skip, and as she approached the waiting room, she looked up into the stands, spotting Aizawa. He saw her, his eyes widening as he realized she was the second U.A. student to pass. 

Katsumi waved to him and a soft smile came to his face and he waved back at her, ignoring the questions and comments coming from Ms. Joke.

Katsumi got inside, looking around to see if she knew anyone else that had passed. Her gaze fell on Todoroki, who was sitting alone on a bench. It seemed he was the only one from U.A. so far. 

Even though they hadn't talked much, Katsumi couldn't help but feel a certain bond with the quiet boy. 

She walked over to him, shyly holding up a hand as a hello. He looked up and saw her, nodding his head as greeting. Katsumi sat beside him, letting out a sigh.

"Have you been here long, Todoroki?"

He was looking down at his hands, but she saw him shake his head. "No, not really. I was afraid I'd be alone for awhile."

"I was afraid I wouldn't even make it." Katsumi admitted. Todoroki looked over at her, confusion in his multi-colored eyes.

"Why? You have a strong quirk."

Katsumi let out a sigh. "I'm just now getting used to it, truthfully. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to catch up. I mean, you're an amazing fighter, Todoroki. You have good senses, good control over your quirk, and so much more. I pale in comparison."

Todoroki frowned a little, lifting his hand. "Actually, I have less control than you think. I don't like using my fire."

Katsumi looked at him, her eyes wide. She had heard that Todoroki had reservations about his quirk, but she didn't believe it to be true. But apparently it was.

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