Chapter 23

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Miyamoto was running through the forest. She had finally found the path that the students were using for the test of courage, but she had to stop and go the other direction when she saw a fog coming through the trees. Even if she didn't know what it was, she knew it wasn't natural; most likely it was some sort of poison gas.

As she was looking around, trying to find her fellow classmates, a strange feeling entered her body. It was Mandalay's telepath. 

"We've discovered one of the villain's targets! It's one of the students here - 'Kacchan'!"

Miyamoto's feet halted, causing her body to go rigid. Her eyes went wide and she felt her heartrate increase as her body temperature plummeted. Everything around her faded away; she could hear her heartbeat thump in her ears. 


They were after Bakugo?

Miyamoto's fingers twitched. Her glazed eyes stared straight ahead, her mouth agape as her mind flew through her memories in fast forward. 

Why him? Why put him through all that pain and suffering? 

A sharp, zinging electric shock went through her body, starting from her feet all the way up to her head. She couldn't allow them to take him. Not him. He couldn't go through all that pain. 

She flew into a controlled type of panic as she looked all around her, desperate to spot even a glimpse of his explosions or even Todoroki's ice. 

"No," she whispered. "No, not him."

Her quirk activated self-consciously, the darkness swirling around her body, about to swallow her down into itself.

No, she thought. Take me to Bakugo. You can find him. He's here. You know who he is. Take me to Bakugo. I don't care what the cost is for my body. Take me to him.

Whether it was because of the absolute panic rummaging throughout her mind and soul or if it was the fact she had more control over her quirk, Miyamoto didn't know. 

But it listened to her, as if it were a different entity living inside her body.

The darkness encapsulated Miyamoto's body and sunk her down to the ground. Inside the darkness it felt as if Miyamoto was sprinting. Sprinting and battling away all sorts of barricades and impediments. Her focus was on one thing and one thing only.

Sharp pains jabbed at her sides; small tingles went up her spine. This wasn't how she was supposed to use her quirk. Miyamoto knew that because of her studies with Midnight. But just as she had done with the Sports Festival, where she escaped in a hurry despite the cost, she decided to do the same. Not to run away from what scared her, but to run to what she was scared of losing.

A small light glinted and Miyamoto reached out for it; it had to be him. He was all she was searching for. 

Miyamoto emerged from the darkness, gasping as she fell to her hands and knees. She could taste blood in her mouth, but she wiped it away, trying to ignore the massive amounts of pain rocketing through her abdomen. 

She looked up and her eyes widened. Bakugo and Todoroki were facing off with a villain who was shooting sharp blades at them from his mouth. 

Miyamoto saw the blades expand and multiply. Todoroki was able to block most of them, and Bakugo was dodging the best he could. But a section of the blades split behind Bakugo where he couldn't see.

Her body moved on its own; Miyamoto could feel herself using her air element to propel her feet when she jumped.

"Watch out!"

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