Chapter 31

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The intensive training was now over, and everyone was prepped and ready to go for their licensing exam. 

Well, as ready as they could be.

Katsumi couldn't help but be nervous as she boarded the bus to take them to their exam. Her talk she had with Aizawa the night before was weighing heavily in her heart.

"Tomorrow, you'll have to make a choice. The two ultimate moves you've been practicing have incorporated your full quirk. We specially placed you around the three students who already knew about your quirk, but even then, you weren't watched. Tomorrow, everyone will be watching. What are you going to do?"

Katsumi frowned to herself as she sat by the window. What was she going to do? Realistically, she knew she couldn't hide the truth of her quirk forever. 

But there was still a large part of her that was filled with fear. Not just the idea of others knowing about her quirk, but how the information would be used, and how many people would be put in danger by knowing. Katsumi knew how villains could either persuade others to give information or torture it out of them. She didn't want that to happen to anyone she knew.

Especially to the ones she cared about.

"You keep frowning like that and you'll get wrinkles."

Katsumi jumped, looking over to see Bakugo sitting beside her with her arms crossed. She hadn't even noticed him sit down beside her. 

"S-sorry," she stammered. "I was thinking."

"You that nervous?"

Katsumi nodded her head. "Training and practicing away from everyone's eye is one thing. No one focused on me, and no one knew about my quirk. They still don't. But this...this would expose everything I've been hiding."

Bakugo let out a huff. "Not everything."

Katsumi furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him. His arms were still crossed as he looked back at her.

"Just because they see something about your quirk they haven't before doesn't mean they'll completely catch on to everything about it. We'll be in a fight, most likely; no one is going to take a lot of time to analyze every little aspect about your quirk."

"But..." Katsumi frowned. "What if someone realizes its not a normal quirk?"

Bakugo glared at her. "There are plenty of crazy and weird quirks out there, dumbass. Just because they haven't seen yours yet doesn't mean they know no one else has a quirk like yours. And even if they realize its special, that doesn't automatically make them know everything you went through because of it."

She looked down at her gloved hands. He had a point. It's not like it would be a one on one evaluation of sorts. Aizawa had at least told them that much. Everyone would be working hard to prove their worth as a hero.

"Everyone will be watching though."

"If they're smart, of course they will," Bakugo huffed. He reached over and put a hand on her arm so she would look up at him. "Do you really think your guardian would intentionally put you in a dangerous situation?"

Katsumi shook her head. A small grin came to Bakugo's face.

"Then what are you so worried for? He's obviously doing this because he knows that you're capable. And it's to help you protect yourself and others, which is everything you're about. Aizawa's doing this for you, idiot."

As Bakugo's words sunk in, a small smile came to her face. "You're right. He wouldn't put me somewhere he couldn't help me."

"So?" Bakugo crossed his arms again. "What are you going to do?"

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