Chapter 39

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It took Katsumi hours to talk everything over with Bakugo. She explained her anger towards her parents, how scared she was about what they would do next, how she didn't want to become like them, and how she hated how they treated her. 

The entire time, Bakugo listened quietly as she tearfully went on and on about the position she was in. By the time she was finished, Katsumi had completely worn herself out. 

Katsumi's eyes were heavy with lack of sleep and because of how much she had cried. Her head was pounding too. As heavy as her heart was with all the talking she had just done, she was surprised by how light her body felt after getting everything off her chest.

A knock on Bakugo's door was what interrupted them, and he was unsurprised to see Kirishima and Kaminari walk in with smiles on their faces.

"Here you go," Kirishima held out a tray of food. "We figured you hadn't eaten today, so we brought you something."

Kaminari held a similar tray of food out to Bakugo, who grumbled a small 'thank you' to him. 

Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged glances with one another before they sat down in front of Katsumi.

"I was going to ask how you were feeling...but after seeing you, I kind of don't want to." Kaminari gave her a sheepish grin as she took a bite of the food they got her. The looks on both his and Kirishima's face said it all.

They already knew she wasn't okay. Not completely.

"I'm sorry to be such a worry for you," Katsumi murmured. "And...I'm sorry if I hurt you when I was controlled."

Bakugo glanced at Katsumi, his heart heavy with a new pain as he recalled their earlier conversation. She really had no idea what had happened. According to Katsumi, she only recalled hearing his voice.

"You didn't hurt us at all!" Kirishima smiled broadly. "We were just trying to stop you. And we did. That's all that matters."

Katsumi let out a small breath of relief. "Oh...good."

As she ate, Kirishima turned his head to Bakugo. "You know, you should really be more discreet when you drag her off away from everybody. Especially since you've been in here for hours. Some people thought it was suspicious."

Bakugo gave him an irritated smile. "I don't care what they thought!"

"Still," Kaminari frowned. "There are some who want to ask her how she's doing. They're worried about her."

Katsumi set the plate of food back on the tray, only halfway done, before she closed her eyes. Mina, Jirou, and Sero had seen her. And if she hadn't changed out of these clothes since last night...that means they saw her scars, too. 

It was only natural for them to be so curious.

But she didn't know if her heart or mind were prepared for that conversation yet. 

The more she tried to think about everything she would have to do in the next few days, the heavier her mind seemed to get. Her eyes didn't want to open anymore. She was so tired.

"Oi," A hand was placed on the side of her head, gently pulling her down. Katsumi could barely open her eyes, her cheek being placed on something. She drowsily looked up to see Bakugo with a frown on his face. She was now laying down in his lap.

"Don't fall asleep while sitting, idiot," he muttered. "Just lay here if you're so tired."

Katsumi didn't even have the energy to say anything, so she merely nodded her head, shifting her body a little to get more comfortable, and her eyes slipped closed as she lay on Bakugo's lap.

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