Chapter 47

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A few days had passed, and Katsumi was busy working with everyone to get ready for the Festival. She had her phone in her pocket, eagerly awaiting Aizawa's phone call to let her know he was almost back at the school with Eri. 

This would be Eri's first time here. Her first impression on this place Katsumi called home. She wanted it to be good. 

Aizawa had told her beforehand that Mirio would be Eri's main escort today and for the festival, but she and Midoriya would be big parts of her escort while she was here. 


She looked up to see Ochaco and Momo waving her over. Katsumi hurriedly walked to her two friends, giving them a small smile.


"We've been looking everywhere for you," Momo sighed. "We need to give you your outfit for the Festival."

Ochaco held out a cute yellow outfit on a hanger. Katsumi gave the two of them a look of surprise followed by a guilty smile.

"But I'm not going to be able to participate. Isn't this just for the people on stage?"

"We know that," Ochaco said. "But we wanted to give you one too. You're still part of our class and you're still helping out with everything now!"

"Guys..." Katsumi felt warmed by their gesture. "Thank you. I love it."

"We designed it long-sleeved too!" Momo gave her a bright smile. "We know you aren't comfortable with other types of clothing yet, so we wanted to be sure to make something you'd be yourself in. Mina made sure to remind all of us when we were thinking about outfits"

Tears misted the corners of Katsumi's eyes. She pulled both Momo and Ochaco into a hug, a happy smile on her face.

"Thank you, both of you," Katsumi murmured. "I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends."

The two females returned Katsumi's embrace. They were mildly surprised by the actions Katsumi displayed; it went to show how much she was opening up and growing during their time together.

It made her friends incredibly happy.

Katsumi pulled away, and Ochaco handed the outfit over to her. Before Katsumi could say anything else to them, her phone went off. Katsumi pulled it out, the little pomeranian charm dangling off the spot she attached it to.


"It's me," Aizawa's voice flooded her ears. "We'll be at the school in ten minutes. Can you meet us at the front gate?"

"Absolutely! I'll be there."

Katsumi hung up, giving Momo and Ochaco a smile. "Sorry, that was Aizawa. I have to go now."

"That's fine," Momo looked down at the charm. "That's a really cute little charm. Where'd you get it?"

"Oh, actually," Katsumi held it up with a wide smile. "Katsuki got it for me. I have no idea where he got it."

Both of their eyes widened. "Bakugo?"

Katsumi nodded, putting her phone back in her pocket and waving to them. "Bye-bye! I'll be back later!"

As Katsumi bounded away, Ochaco and Momo looked at one another.

"Do you think?" Momo asked.

"I thought it was pretty obvious before..." Ochaco muttered. "But now it's basically undeniable."

Momo let out a sigh, looking in the direction Katsumi was running. "I do hope those two get together. They balance one another."

"Yeah," Ochaco agreed. "I think their relationship is sweet."

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