Chapter 28

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Bakugo had managed to calm himself down some while he was with Katsumi, mostly due to the fact he stopped talking and ate some of the food Kirishima and Kaminari left behind.

He was still pissed at the fact all of this was happening, but Bakugo had come to terms with the idea of having to protect Katsumi from a closer threat than the villains. That truth was probably what kept him from completely blowing a gasket at the whole situation.

That and he kept eyeing the stuffed animal still laying in Katsumi's lap.

"You got that dog the same time you got the cat for me, didn't you?" Bakugo questioned. Katsumi's cheeks warmed some, and she defensively tightened her grip around the dog, nodding her head.

"I thought it was cute."

"Hmph," Bakugo put a hand on his chin. "And? That's all?"

"Well, I bought the cat for you because I thought it was cute. And it was supposed to be a good luck charm. I kind of got mine so I could have something to comfort me..."

Katsumi's shoulders drooped all of a sudden and she looked at Bakugo with guilt in her eyes. "Did the cat accidentally bring a curse on you? Is that why all those awful things happened at camp?"

"Huh?" Bakugo glared at her. "You think that puny plushie could do something like that? As if. It was the stupid villains who made those things happen, nothing else. Don't be stupid."


"Geez," Bakugo grumbled, getting to his feet. Katsumi looked at him confused as he walked to where his school bag was. Kirishima had been smart enough to grab it and bring it to him when they had brought the food. Bakugo opened the bag in irritation, digging around before he pulled out what he was looking for, hoping to prove a point.

He held out his hand, showing Katsumi the small blue cat plushie she had bought for him.

"See? It's fine. There's nothing bad about this thing. It'd be like saying that dog is a curse."

Katsumi hadn't really thought Bakugo would ever carry around the plushie she had bought him. At best, she thought it would be somewhere in his room, like on a shelf or something of that nature. She never thought he would have it with him in his bag...meaning he carried it around with him every day.

For some reason, knowing that made her heart beat faster than usual. Her cheeks grew warm and she gave Bakugo a full, happy smile.

Bakugo's eyes widened at her smile; he had never seen her smile so brightly before. And it was one of the most breathtaking smiles Bakugo had ever seen.

"I'm so glad you like it."

Bakugo broke out of the captivating smile and turned back to his bag, stuffing the gift back down in there before zipping it up, concealing it. His cheeks were red and he let out a huff.

"It's not that big of a deal. Idiot."

"It is to me," Katsumi breathed. He turned back around to see the same smile still on her face. Bakugo wanted to imprint the happy expression in his mind; he didn't know the next time she would honestly be this carefree and happy. "I'm glad you have it with you."

Bakugo walked back over and plopped down in front of her, his cheeks still red. "It was a gift, dummy. What else was I supposed to do with it, huh?"

Katsumi let out a small giggle; the lighthearted sound was so odd to the both of them. He hadn't heard her laugh since the bus ride to camp. It had been too long.

As much as he tried to fight it, Bakugo couldn't stop the way his lips curved upwards as he watched Katsumi. His eyes softened and he propped his head up on his hand. He observed the happy way she looked from him down to the dog in her lap.

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