Chapter 51

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Katsumi was able to relax with her friends after opening up to them. It was actually a nice feeling not hiding herself away. 

But soon enough, she found herself growing tired, and she excused herself from the group to head to her room. Katsumi knew Bakugo would be by sometime soon, since Aizawa hadn't lifted the order for him to stay with her.

She thought he might have after he figured out they were dating, but he hadn't. 

It just meant the threat of her parents was still eminent.

Katsumi tried not to think of her biological parents as she organized her room. She was able to hang up the clothes given to her on her birthday, and she arranged the flowers she got from Shoji on her desk, and put the bear she got right next to it. 

She hoped Mina would be able to get the pictures to her from her party soon. Katsumi thought to hang them up on one of the walls of her room so she could always see them and remember the best night of her life.

Katsumi looked at the bare walls and found a small frown coming to her face. While she had loved her birthday party, it was kind of sad to think that one party could make such an impact on her life. 

Images of her being cut open, the masks the scientists wore so close to her face, and the bloodstained clothes she used to wear flashed in her mind. Katsumi winced at the memory. 

She only had one birthday party in her life. The rest were filled with horrid and painful memories. 

Her hands clenched as anger filled her mind. 

What had she done that she deserved all of that? To be tortured and dragged through such awful events?

Katsumi's eyes widened and she brought both hands up to her face, slapping both of her cheeks as hard as she could. 

Deserved? What was she thinking?

She'd learned that she didn't deserve any of that. She'd been working hard, night and day, for months to find that freedom and realize that truth. 

She let out a sigh, letting her hands drop to her side. Katsumi supposed it was natural that she wouldn't 100% recover so soon. The fact that she was getting better and growing meant more to her than anything. 

Katsumi was determined to one day fully break free of the mindset that had been instilled in her for 10 years. 

A knock at her door brought Katsumi out of her thoughts, and she told whoever was there to come in. A small smile came to her lips when she saw Bakugo come inside, closing the door behind him.

"I didn't know when you'd come by," Katsumi said as he walked over to her. "I didn't think you'd escape so soon."

"Escape?" Bakugo scoffed. "It's just talking with friends. I could leave anytime I wanted."

Katsumi gave a guilty smile, but before she could say anything, Bakugo put a hand under her chin to lift her face up. His eyes looked at her face before he frowned.

"Your cheeks are really red, but you're not blushing. What happened?"

Katsumi's eyes widened; she hadn't expected him to really notice. Honestly, she didn't think she slapped her face hard enough to make them red like that.

"I...uh, I pepped myself up?"

Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "Huh? You slapped yourself?"



Katsumi frowned. "Well...I had some unpleasant thoughts and tried to make them go away and kind of snap myself out of it."

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