Chapter 30

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It was now day four of intensive training. The pro heroes were relentless when it came to pushing the students to their limits in order to grow their quirks and their bodies.

Katsumi was breathing heavily, sweat across her forehead as she stared at Ectoplasm. He had been relentlessly attacking her for twenty minutes, and now her veil or darkness around her body was at its limit.

"Again!" Ectoplasm announced, and Katsumi gritted her teeth as he lunged at her.

Her evasive maneuvers still needed improvement, and as she tried to continuously dodge his attacks, the more her body began to wear out. Ectoplasm landed one, two, three hits across her legs and arms, and as he threw attacks into her veil, she could start to feel them across her stomach.

The veil was about to disappear.

"Now!" Ectoplasm ordered. "Attack me."

Katsumi grunted with the effort, extending her right hand and focusing on bringing forth a second attribute to her quirk: air.

A blast of wind propelled from her palm, but as it did, a sharp pain hit her ribs and she gasped, stumbling backwards.

She winced, looking down at her side. Her veil was gone.

"You forgot to keep your veil up that time," Ectoplasm said after he recovered from being pushed back. "And your wind was more defensive than offensive. We need you to work on that."

Katsumi let out a long sigh, nodding her head. "Yes, sir."

"Young Miyamoto!"

Katsumi looked over to see All Might. He was smiling at her, kindly waving his hand as he approached her training station. It was still a bit of a shock to see him as he was now, instead of the form she was used to. But he was still All Might; still a hero who saved her life.

"All Might," Katsumi breathed, straightening up. "What're you doing?"

"I'm here to offer some advice."

Katsumi's eyes widened. She hadn't had the chance to talk to him about her quirk or how her fighting style had advanced ever since she trained with him during the internship.

"Yes, please!"

"I heard from Midnight and Aizawa what you're doing for one of your ultimate moves. I'm proud of you!" All Might began, patting her on the head. "But from what I saw, you're having trouble with fully controlling more than one part of your quirk when you're tired."

Katsumi nodded her head. All Might held up his hand.

"I know this may sound like a lot, but instead of forcing it out with all your concentration at the end of a fight, practice simultaneous usage of your quirk even when you aren't in battle. The more normal it feels to have more than one attribute activated, the less time and concentration it will take in a battle to activate."

Katsumi thought back to training camp, where she had successfully used three attributes. Even then, she was still learning about her darkness's true form. But it made sense; it was possible for her to control more than one.

"Thank you, All Might," Katsumi smiled. "I'll do my best."

All Might smiled fondly at the child in front of him. Even though he hadn't seen her every day, he could tell the exponential growth Katsumi had undergone ever since coming to U.A.. She was blossoming into her own. When Aizawa told him about the appearance of her parents, All Might was afraid the regression she would go through would put her back quite a bit.

But he had underestimated her, it seemed. Katsumi, while set back a little emotionally, was excelling spiritually. She was still growing in confidence and power due to the people around her.

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