Chapter 3

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Aizawa and All Might watched Kirishima and Miyamoto talk to one another. 

"You paired them up on purpose?" All Might questioned. Aizawa put his hands in his pockets and grunted. 

"Miyamoto doesn't know anybody well yet, and since its her first day, she's bound to be terrified with everything all at once. I want her to be comfortable with her partner enough where she doesn't just run at the first sign of trouble. If she never overcomes her fear, she'll never get over what happened to her in the past."

"Ahh," All Might understood. "So you paired her with someone who is sturdy and good defensively like Young Kirishima, who also has a bright personality. He's easy to get along with and because of his quirk, he can make her feel safe."

Aizawa nodded his head and All Might continued. "So you paired them against Young Bakugo and Young Kaminari to show her what a fierce opponent might look like. An even mixture of defense and offense from both sides?"

"Yeah. If Miyamoto freezes every time she comes up against someone, she'll only get hurt. Bakugo is good at pushing people to their limits because of his personality. She'll use her quirk to get her to safety, no doubt, but it won't just be her she uses it on."

All Might put a hand on Aizawa's shoulder. "You're such a good parent, Aizawa!"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "I'm not her parent."

"Huh?" All Might removed his hand. "I thought you were going to adopt her? Wasn't that the plan?"

"Since she's still a minor, she needed some form of guardian to give her consent to come to U.A. Principal Nezu and I worked out all the minor details, so I'm technically her guardian, but not her parent. If I formally adopted her, I couldn't have her in my class because of the rules, and then I wouldn't be able to keep as close of an eye on her. It was the little details that made it impossible."

Aizawa's explanation made All Might hum. "So for all intents and purposes, you're her parent, just not officially to keep in line with the rules?"

Aizawa sighed. "Yes. You could say that."

All Might put his hand back on Aizawa's shoulder. "You're such a good parent, Aizawa!!"

Aizawa's eye twitched in annoyance. "Whatever."

"Maybe we could ask Young Midoriya to keep an eye on her or befriend her. She needs some company." All Might suggested but Aizawa quickly shook his head 'no'.

"I don't want to force a friendship on her, or for someone to become friends with her just because we asked them to. Once Miyamoto finds friends of her own accord, and we see she trusts them, then we can ask them to keep an eye on her. They'll already know her by then, so it wouldn't be a nuisance to them. And Miyamoto wouldn't feel betrayed that we wanted her classmates to be her friend for us to spy on her."

"Oh," All Might murmured. "That's a good point. Well, I hope she finds good friends soon. It saddens me to see such a bright young lady look like she has no future."

Aizawa takes one of his hands out of his pockets and rubs the back of his neck. "Well, it'll take some time. For her, she never had a future until recently. She probably doesn't know what to do with it yet."

"That's true."


Miyamoto and Kirishima stood at the entrance of the building they were using for their exercise. According to Aizawa and All Might, Bakugo and Kaminari were already inside, along with the three cardboard cutout civilians. 

"Alright, are you ready?" Kirishima asked. Miyamoto swallowed nervously and gave a brisk nod, not trusting her voice. She was already terrified at the thought of messing up. If this were a real situation and she failed, somebody died because of her.

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