Chapter 56

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By the time Katsumi woke up, she had a massive headache and her eyes were extremely heavy and protested every time she tried to open her eyes.

Her head shifted around the room slowly, letting her blurry vision adjust to her surroundings until she saw Bakugo propped against the door, using the stuffed dog as a pillow as he put his head back. 

The memories of her breakdown yesterday came back to her mind, and a frown formed on Katsumi's face. Part of her wondered why Bakugo had even stayed with her in the first place.

Another part of her was happy he did.

Wincing as she sat up, Katsumi threw off the covers she assumed Bakugo had tucked around her. Her leg ached horribly as she forced herself to stand, gritting her teeth as she grabbed her crutch for support.


Her voice was hoarse and barely audible. It hurt to talk.

Katsumi had never screamed or yelled like she did yesterday. She supposed this was her punishment for, yet again, losing control over all her emotions.


Her voice was just loud enough that time to stir Bakugo, and he blinked a few times before he looked up, seeing Katsumi standing in front of him.

Under different circumstances, Katsumi would've thought Bakugo looked absolutely adorable with how he used the stuffed animal to sleep with. 

But her heart felt far too heavy to feel joy, or anything of the sort.

Bakugo sluggishly stood up, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at Katsumi. She saw the bags under his eyes and instantly knew he didn't sleep good either.

"You stayed?" Katsumi's question wasn't intended as hurtful. She was rather surprised after the truth she exposed yesterday, he would still stay in the same room as her.

Bakugo frowned. "I couldn't leave."

"Why didn't you sleep on the bed? Surely that would've been more comfortable."

"I didn't know if you wanted me there," Bakugo admitted. Upon seeing the frown on Katsumi's face, he lifted a hand so she wouldn't jump to conclusions. "Not because of what happened during the fight, either. I just figured, because of yesterday and everything you were feeling...I didn't know if you wanted anyone near you."

Katsumi looked down. "I don't think I would've minded...but thank you."

"How..." Bakugo paused, looking at Katsumi's ragged figure. A frown was on his lips as he asked anyways. "How do you feel?"

Katsumi stared at Bakugo for a few seconds, trying to figure out how she was supposed to answer that question. Eventually, both of them lowered their heads.

Bakugo awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess the answer to that is obvious."

"Sorry," Katsumi murmured. "I could've at least said something."

Bakugo looked back at Katsumi's haggard figure, his heart sinking. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but Katsumi was right yesterday when she said this problem wouldn't be fixed just by talking about it.

She did, and she's just as hollow as she has been this whole week, except now he knows why she's been so depressed.

Bakugo let out a small sigh before he took two steps forward so he stood right in front of Katsumi. He lifted his hand, hesitating for a moment before he put it on the top of her hand. The gesture he had done so many times now felt as if it held new meaning for the both of them.

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