Chapter 29

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Dinner was nice. Katsumi apologized to a couple other classmates for worrying them with her sudden disappearance. Only one or two asked about what Present Mic had wanted with her, but Katsumi was able to deflect the question by saying it was something to do with her special training while she was injured.

Not that she would have any such training.

Lucky for her, Kirishima and Kaminari seemed to hear her explanation, so they hopped on board, easily deflecting further questioning and staying on her side to keep people from prying too much. 

She smiled at them and gave them an appreciative nod, grateful they were there. Bakugo had been listening, but both of them knew it would actually draw more attention to the situation if he were overtly adamant about her statement or anything like that. 

He just told a lot of people it didn't matter what Present Mic said to her.

Once dinner ended, Katsumi was invited over to the couch with the others. Part of her wanted to decline so she could go back to sleep, but she decided against rest to sit on the couches with her friends.

Sero and Mina occupied one couch while Kirishima and Kaminari got the other. Bakugo sat down, letting out a small grunt when he realized they left the spot beside him open on purpose. Katsumi shyly sat beside Bakugo as she usually would.

She was still working through everything her and Mina had talked about, but she didn't want to isolate herself from him or anyone while she tried to figure it out. Katsumi wholeheartedly believed that would backfire on her.

Her friends were telling stories and making jokes, and Katsumi was trying her hardest to pay attention to them. But truthfully, she hadn't slept good the night before, and because of the long and stressful day she had, her body was still exhausted. The nap with Bakugo had definitely helped, but because of all the crying and the panic attack, her brain was ready to shut down for the night. 

Katsumi's fluttering eyelids caught Bakugo's attention and he rolled his eyes. As Kaminari was telling everyone a story, he nudged Katsumi, making her eyes snap open as she looked over at him.

"If you wanna sleep, just sleep."

"But...everyone's together." Katsumi murmured. It was starting to become difficult to just keep her eyes open. She saw Bakugo grit his teeth angrily as he gave her a small glare.

"Fine, then just lay your head back or something. At least get comfortable. You'll end up falling over if you slump like that."

Katsumi nodded her head and looked at Bakugo's shoulder. She looked back up at him and he saw her intention. He let out a 'tsk' and nodded his head, crossing his arms.

A small smile came to her face and she inched closer, leaning her head against Bakugo's shoulder. Anytime someone mentioned comfort, he was the first thing to pop into her head. Bakugo brought her an immense amount of comfort and peace that no one else was able to. 

Bakugo watched Katsumi as her eyes slipped closed and he huffed. It was nice that she didn't feel or act any different than usual, at least. That was a positive. 

The group continued to talk for at least thirty minutes more until Kirishima was the first one to call it a night.

"It's been a long day. We should all head to bed."

Sero snickered. "I think Miyamoto has already done that."

"Huh?" Bakugo looked down to see Katsumi completely passed out against him. He immediately stiffened, gritting his teeth together. He wasn't actually expecting her to fall asleep.

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