Chapter 5

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Miyamoto couldn't help but be nervous as Aizawa explained how their rescue training would be off-campus today. She didn't like the idea of leaving U.A., but she also knew that she couldn't just stay on campus for the rest of her life, even if she wanted to.

Iida was trying to get everyone organized as they all gathered around the bus, blowing his whistle and using his weird arm movements. They way he moved was curious to Miyamoto; she hadn't seen someone like that before. But it wasn't a bad thing, either. He seemed to care about his responsibilities towards his classmates.

Unfortunately, the way Iida wanted everyone to line up inside didn't go exactly as planned, since the bus was designed differently. 

Miyamoto ended up in a seat to herself near Todoroki. They were both quiet and minded their own business, but whereas Todoroki slept, Miyamoto curled herself up and took the chance to further observe her classmates. 

They all seemed excited and carefree, talking so animatedly and teasing one another. One of the main receivers of their joke was Bakugo; they all said he had a horrible personality and he was always angry. 

Miyamoto could slightly agree with them. He always seemed to be yelling, have an angry or displeased look on his face, and was always telling people to die. It was confusing to see such a character who actually didn't mean most of what he said. 

But Miyamoto did disagree when they called his personality garbage. At least, that's not what she had seen of him. He was crass and didn't express himself properly, but he seemed to understand people more than he let on. Miyamoto believed that's why he went after her when she ran away, and how he reassured her that he wasn't going to hurt her.

He wasn't yelling then. 

She watched them tease one another, while Midoriya seemed traumatized - even though he wasn't the one being teased. 

Aizawa quickly shut them up when he told them they had arrived. 

Once they piled out of the bus, Miyamoto adjusted the gloves on her hands. Her hero costume still felt a little strange to her, but she was slowly getting used to it.

They were introduced to the Space Hero, Thirteen. She introduced herself to everyone and described all the different terrains and disaster areas they had set up as she led them inside the USJ. 

Miyamoto couldn't help but look around the massive building. There were so many different areas to train in, just as Thirteen had said. It was slightly intimidating. 

Thirteen also began to describe her quirk, Black Hole. Midoriya and Uraraka seemed so excited and the former even commented on how many people Thirteen had saved because of it. 

"Yes, but it is a power that can kill easily."

Those words made Miyamoto's attention zone in on Thirteen, her eyes wide as she looked at the hero, who continued her explanation.

"Some of you also have quirks like that, right?"

Miyamoto's stomach dropped and she felt a heavy weight against her chest. A kill.

Her quirk was like that.

She tried to shake her head and focus back in on what Thirteen was saying. Thirteen talked about the importance of the fitness test and the trainings they had gone through previously to show them the limits of their powers, but also how dangerous it could be to use those quirks on others if they couldn't control it. 

Miyamoto almost felt like Thirteen was talking directly to her.

"This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others."

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