Chapter 45

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Katsumi couldn't stop smiling; she was brimming with a type of confidence and purpose that she hadn't felt before. 

She could help someone. Actually help someone who needed it. Who was just like her.

It was an honor for Katsumi.

After their visit had finished with Eri, Katsumi promised the six-year-old that she would visit again sometime soon. Eri seemed extremely pleased with that, even if she didn't know how to properly show those emotions. Not yet, at least.

On the way back to campus, Aizawa had complimented Katsumi on her ability to be open and honest with Eri in a way she would understand. His praise meant the world to Katsumi as well. She was happy she could be herself around Eri.

It felt as if for once, she didn't have to hide anything the first time she met someone.

Now, Katsumi sat in her room at her desk, her legs bouncing up and down as she tried to focus in on the book in front of her. It was late afternoon by now, and even though she didn't get anything done she originally planned to, Katsumi felt like she accomplished so much. To the point she couldn't focus on anything else.

She really just wanted to celebrate. 

But Aizawa wanted her to be cautious about what she told others about Eri. Which she could completely understand. He did give one exception for her: she could tell Bakugo parts of it. 

Katsumi thought Bakugo would be back from his classes with Todoroki by now. But he was later than usual. 

She was actually growing impatient waiting for him to come back.

Katsumi stood up from her desk and walked to the window. Her foot was tapping against the ground because of her excitement. There was so much she wanted to talk about and celebrate. She had no idea how to celebrate anything, but she had an inkling of an idea. But she had to have Bakugo be the one she celebrated with. 

Eri, Katsumi could tell, was going to be much better off than she was when she first was rescued. Maybe it was because of how young she still was, or something in Eri's personality, but Katsumi's gut told her Eri would recover sooner rather than later. 

She was so relieved to have that notion, too. And from what she heard from Aizawa, the people who had Eri before, some of the Yakuza and a man named Overhaul, were completely out of the picture and were no threat to her. They'd never come back to hurt her.

That was also a huge relief for Katsumi. Eri wouldn't have them haunting her every move as she grew older. Once she was freed from the chains they kept on her, she could be free forever.

Katsumi was ready to see that day for Eri already. Even though she didn't feel like it would be immediate, Katsumi was already anxious to see that day for Eri come.

The doorknob turned and Katsumi twirled around, her eyes wide as she saw Bakugo open her door, his hands full with an assortment of things. That alone was what stopped Katsumi from jumping to give him a hug.

"Katsuki!" Katsumi loudly exclaimed his name, a broad smile stretching across her face as she skipped over to him. "You're finally here. Welcome back!"

"H-hah?" Bakugo turned his arms away from her, raising an eyebrow. "I told you I'd be back this afternoon. And...what happened? You're super happy right now."

Katsumi beamed at him. "I have so much to tell you! Something super amazing happened today!"

Bakugo let out a chuckle before elbowing the door closed. "I figured that much, given your expression. Before you tell me, I have something for you."

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