Chapter 42

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The next few days, Katsumi was mostly lost in her thoughts. Her weekend was full of her thinking about what her and Mina had talked about, plus what Bakugo had told her. He never mentioned it again after that, and for the most part, things returned to normal as if she hadn't even tried to ask him a question.

But Katsumi's main concern had shifted from Bakugo to Kirishima. 

After he had returned from wherever he was going for his meeting, his whole demeanor changed. Katsumi could tell, but Kirishima had failed to mention anything to anyone. There was something that was deeply bothering him, but he wasn't vocal about it.

Katsumi tried to approach him a couple of times, but he would quickly give her a fake smile and excuse himself. 

Once, Katsumi caught him talking to himself as she passed by the kitchen. She heard Kirishima murmuring something along the lines of, "She's just like her."

She had no idea what that meant, but Katsumi could tell he was being plagued by something. And when they went back to classes the following week, Katsumi could tell it wasn't just Kirishima. 

Midoriya, Tsu, and Ochaco all had a certain air around them that plagued their movements. It was easy to piece together that the four of them had gone to the same meeting, whether out of coincidence or if it was planned, but now whatever they discussed had burdened them.

The idea of her classmates and friends hurting over something they couldn't discuss pained Katsumi's heart. Not only did she understand that type of burden and pain, but she also hoped it wasn't too much for them. That type of burden could really hurt someone. Even if she couldn't know the details, she wanted to be there for them. 

Katsumi could also tell the slight difference in her father figure too. 

She remembered he was called into a meeting, and judging by the change in his actions, Katsumi deduced he was in the same one her friends were. Which meant the five of them had an operation going that was very burdensome for their hearts.

But she didn't know how to approach any of them about it.

As all of this swirled around her brain, Katsumi once again sat down in her seat in the classroom, waiting for Aizawa to come in to begin homeroom. She glanced around the room, seeing Ochaco and Tsu talking to one another. Kirishima was talking with Kaminari, a half-smile on his face as he listened to something his friend was saying.

Katsumi turned her head around. Midoriya would usually be talking with someone else or writing in his notebook, but right now he was quiet, looking down at his hands. She could practically see the thoughts racing through his eyes.


His head snapped up and forced a smile to his face. "Miyamoto! Good morning."

"Good morning," she answered politely, conflicted on how to approach him. Instead of overthinking, she just took in a breath and went for it. 

"I know you're dealing with a lot, but everyone is here for you and rooting for you. I don't know what's happening,'re not alone. We're all hoping for your success. I know you can do it; whatever it is, I know you're capable."

She saw tears mist over Midoriya's eyes and Katsumi's eyes widened. She held up her hands towards him in a panic. "S-sorry! Did I overstep? Did I say something wrong?"

Midoriya shook his head and grabbed one of Katsumi's hands. A relieved smile came to his face. 

"Thank you, Miyamoto. I guess I didn't realize how stressed and worried I've been."

Katsumi gave him a small smile. "It's okay. You said it to me before, right? That if there was anything I needed or if I needed help, you'd help me any way you could? I told you the same went for you. And I mean it. You're not alone; there are people here to help you out, even if you can't say what's wrong."

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