Chapter 49

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I had someone ask how I pictured Katsumi to look like. The picture above would be a general description for her, if anyone else was wondering what a visual would be!


Katsumi stared at Bakugo, her cheeks burning.

The feeling of their kiss still lingered on her lips and she tried to find a way to formulate a sentence amidst her flustered state.

"Th-thank you?"

Katsumi wasn't sure what she was thanking Bakugo for: wishing her a Happy Birthday or the kiss.

Whatever the reason, her stammered response made Bakugo laugh.

"Thank you? That wasn't exactly the response I was expecting."

"S-sorry! I-I don't..."

Bakugo put a hand on Katsumi's head, stopping her blubbering as she looked up at him. His eyes were soft as he smiled down at her.

"It's fine. Don't apologize," he took his hand away. "Did I...overstep? Was that okay?"

Katsumi nodded and tried to unscramble her brain from the laps it was running at the moment.

"I-it was fine! You didn't overstep. I...but," Katsumi looked away from his eyes. "I thought you hated dating and everything of the sort."

His hand gently cupped her cheek and turned her back so she would look at him. He was smirking as he looked at her.

"You might have changed my mind about it."

Katsumi's eyes widened and a huge wave of relief washed over her. A smile came to her face and she recalled the words he spoke right before he kissed her. Those words made her heart pound in her chest harder than his kiss did.

"Katsuki..." Katsumi took in a breath before she reaffirmed the words he spoke to her. "I love you, too."

Her words made Bakugo's eyes grow wide; it was obvious he hadn't expected an equivalent response to his own words. The shock on his face subsided enough for him to give her a soft smile.

Before she could say anything else, Bakugo had leant back in, kissing Katsumi for now the second time.

If the first kiss hadn't set her heart and mind into a frenzy, this one sure did. He pressed his lips firmly against her mouth, the hand that wasn't on her cheek wrapping around her back as he pulled Katsumi against him.

Katsumi, still unsure of how to handle herself during a kiss, placed both hands on Bakugo's chest, tightening her grip around his shirt. 

This kiss lasted longer than the first one did, and when they finally pulled away, Katsumi was completely out of breath. Her cheeks burned and her heart was beating erratically against her chest. 

Bakugo didn't put any distance between the two of them. His hand was still on Katsumi's back, the other gently pushing the hair out of her face.

"You really have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." he murmured. 

Katsumi looked up at him with wide eyes; her mind was playing catch up, trying to process everything that was happening.

" too," Katsumi stammered out. Bakugo tilted his head, surprised at her confession. He didn't think she would have thought about that. "I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I never knew how...and I never had the courage to do so."

Bakugo let out an amused sigh. He should have known they weren't talking about the same thing. Not exactly, per say.

"I've wanted to tell you too," he tilted her head up so she would look at him. Katsumi was shocked how bold he suddenly got: holding her close, not letting go, and saying how he felt straight up. "But I didn't know how you would take it."

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