Chapter 18

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The next day, when everyone got back from their internships, Miyamoto couldn't help but look forward to hearing everyone's stories while also sharing that she had gotten stronger too. Her shoulders were held back more than they were before, and she walked with a small pep in her step to the classroom.

Laughing broke her concentration as she turned the corner, her eyes looking as they fell upon Kirishima and Sero, who were hysterically crying with laughter as they pointed at an extremely angry Bakugo.

Except...Bakugo didn't quite look like himself.

His hair was flattened and styled across his forehead. It was an interesting look, but he didn't look quite right. 

Kirishima and Sero were taking full advantage of the opportunity too. Bakugo, as usual, was threatening to kill the two of them if they continued to make fun of him, but neither of the two were deterred, tears in the corners of their eyes as they laughed at him.

Bakugo eventually got so angry that his hair popped back up like a little bomb going off, back to where it usually looks. 

"Oh, there it goes!" Sero laughed, pointing at Bakugo, who angrily swatted his friend's hand away with a curse.

"Oh, Miyamoto! You missed it!" Kirishima called her over, still grinning ear to ear. "It was a once in a lifetime view! Truly something for the books!"

Miyamoto looked from them to Bakugo, a faint smile on her lips. "No, I didn't miss it. I saw."

With that, Miyamoto gave them all a small bow before walking into the classroom, ignoring the raging yells and crooning laughter from behind her.

She sat down in her chair, bringing out her things before she looked around the classroom. Everybody seemed to be full of excitement and buzzing about their internships. There were a few who seemed more serious and seasoned as they listened to others.

Miyamoto didn't know what happened, but she could see the drastic change in Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki. The three seemed much closer than they had been before the internships even though they hadn't interned together.

It fascinated Miyamoto, but she decided not to stick her nose in their business, instead bringing her attention back to her desk. 

A very grumpy Bakugo plopped into his chair in front of her, and she murmured a greeting to him. He turned around, his arm propped on the top of his chair so he could look at her better.

"How did your internship go?"

Bakugo gave her a harsh look. It was the last thing he wanted to talk about. "It was fine!"

Miyamoto shrank down at the sudden anger. He wasn't just irritated; he was furious about something. And he lied about the internship.

"A-are you sure? You seem-"

"I said it was fine, now drop it!"

Miyamoto flinched back and gave him a sad nod, growing quiet as she looked down at her hands. 

Bakugo huffed when he realized he'd hurt her feelings. It wasn't as if he meant to take his frustrations out on her. But he was angry. And this time he couldn't mask it. 

He stared down at Miyamoto, realizing something different about her. Bakugo could tell there was something new about the way she carried herself; not only was there more confidence in the way she held herself, but there was less of the shadow that used to hang over her so heavily. It was still there, but not as suffocating to her.

She was evolving.

And he was stuck.

Aizawa came in, which immediately silenced any talking that was happening in the classroom. After a short welcome back to the group about internships, he then announced that final exams for the semester less than a week away. 

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