Chapter 25

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The next few days were really hard for Katsumi.

The day after All Might's battle with All For One, all the news outlets were filled with different opinions and ideas about the loss of a symbol. There was now a gap left in society where All Might had once stood, and Katsumi felt the emptiness wouldn't be so easily filled or replaced.

Aizawa had come by that morning to bring her the news of Bakugo's successful retrieval. Even with Kirishima's text the night before, hearing those words in person from the person she trusted most was some extra form of reassurance.

Aizawa had stayed with her until the doctor cleared her for release, and the two of them made their way back to U.A., the whole time discussing how they were going to be moving forward from this event and how careful they were going to be since the villains were still on the loose.

"Your doctor said you needed to eat softer foods for at least a week, right?" Aizawa had asked. Katsumi nodded.

"I'm supposed to take it easy so I don't rip open any wounds while they finish healing."

"You'll have a lighter physical work load at school, then," Aizawa murmured. "I'll make sure no one overworks you."

When they had arrived at U.A., Aizawa told Katsumi about how they all of class 1-A would be moving into dorms, including her.

"We have to get parental consent for the rest, but I took care of that for you. I hope that's okay."

"Of course," Katsumi frowned a little. "You're the only parent I've really had. But...I will miss not having you close by."

Aizawa gave her a reassuring pat on the head. "I'll be in the dorms too. I'd be stupid to leave you kids unsupervised. There are too many problem children in your class."

A small smile came to her face. "So you'll still be close?"

"Yes," Aizawa confirmed. "We won't be beside each other like this, of course, but I'll be in the same building. You'll be near some of your classmates."

Katsumi nodded her head to him. It was going to be her first time having a lot of people so close to her. A small memory rose bile to her throat that she had to force down.

When she was at the lab, the different 'experiments' had different rooms assigned to them, but they were spaced out throughout one giant hallway. She could always hear the others' screams when they were taken from their room and dragged down the hallway.

Even now, Katsumi had to keep reminding herself that this was nothing like the place she came from. This living arrangement was completely different; everyone would be here in joy and for safety reasons.

And for two days, Katsumi had everything from her old room packed and ready to move while Aizawa and All Might went to her fellow classmates houses to talk to their parents for permission.

She still never saw Bakugo during that time. She hadn't seen him ever since he was taken; even when Katsumi had texted him, she only got brief responses or no response at all.

It was nerve-wrenching, those days. Not seeing anyone, resting alone in her room with her few bags packed for her move. She thought constantly about those days in the lab; even though she knew it was going to be different, her only experiences with living together with others was horrifically negative.

The days passed by achingly slow, but Katsumi managed to make it through to move in day. All the students had been given permission to go to the dorms. Everyone was coming to U.A.

Katsumi had the advantage of being able to have her stuff moved in the morning before everyone got there; her one suitcase and two duffel bags of belongings all she had to her name. It wouldn't take her long to unpack and organize the room she was given.

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