Chapter 50

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"If you want to tell everyone, you have to decide what parts of yourself you're willing to open up to them."

Katsumi had been spending the rest of the day ruminating over those words. Aizawa had indeed helped her come up with a good way to tell everyone the truth of her quirk, but he also warned that others would naturally ask questions.

She had to decide what she was comfortable with sharing.

Aizawa suggested talking about her quirk and its rarity, which made her a target. Katsumi liked the idea, and it would be easy to take that route. 

There was only one thing she was fighting against.

She was tired of hiding away her body all the time; terrified of what people would think if they saw her scars.

But at the same time, Katsumi knew it wasn't a fear that would automatically go away just because she wished it too. Even if it was a nuisance trying to incorporate that away from her story, eventually it would come out.

So mentally, Katsumi had made a list. A list of people she wouldn't mind showing. It didn't have to be everyone. It didn't need to be everyone. 

Just the people she trusted.

Even still, she found herself scared and nervous about showing people what she really looked like. She knew Mina wouldn't judge her for it, and in her heart, Katsumi doubted any of the people she trusted would judge her for her body and what it looked like. However, the fear of how disfigured her body was and how it came to be that way made her hesitate.

But Katsumi had grown so much. She didn't just want to stop here.

Ever since coming to U.A., she'd been continually pushed to be better and to grow and overcome her fears and her past. This time, she wanted to be the one to take the first step.

If she took the first step and did this proactively, she knew her friends would take that step with her and stand by her side, supporting her.

Katsumi steeled herself over for the conversation ahead of her, and when she got back to the dorms, she was relieved to see Aizawa already there, gathering all of class 1-A around the couches.

Taking in a deep breath to quell the anxiety bubbling inside her stomach, Katsumi walked over to the rest of her classmates.

"Everyone's here," Aizawa gave her a pointed look. "Are you ready?"

Katsumi looked around the couches before she caught Bakugo's eye. He easily guessed what this gathering was about, and he gave Katsumi an encouraging nod.

She gave him a small smile before she looked back at Aizawa.

"I'm ready."

"Katsumi wanted to have you all here because there is something important she'd like to share with everyone," Aizawa got everyone's attention. "Please give her the courtesy of your attention."

He stood to the side, his hands in his pockets. Katsumi gave her classmates a small smile, clasping her shaky hands together. 

This part was never easy.

"I..." Katsumi paused, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. There were more people here than she'd ever told before, and as intimidating and overwhelming as it was, she steadied herself once more and looked up at her classmates.

"I've been hiding my real quirk," Katsumi began. She could see some shock and surprise across some faces; the ones who knew gave her encouraging smiles. "It's not just darkness. My quirk is actually been named the Natural Elemental Quirk."

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