Chapter 43

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Katsumi could hardly take in a breath as she looked at Midnight.


Katsumi couldn't even finish her sentence. Midnight just put a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I'll take you to him."

She immediately nodded before turning to Bakugo. Her wide, panicked eyes met his rather calm ones, and he gave her a small nod, reaching out his hand to briefly grab hers.

"It'll be okay. Just go. I'll be here."

Bakugo let go of her hand and Katsumi steeled herself over, looking back at Midnight. The two of them hurriedly left. The entire time Katsumi followed Midnight out to the car they were taking, her mind was swirling with possibilities of what had possibly happened to her father.

None of them were positive outcomes.

Midnight sat in the backseat of the car with Katsumi, and the driver took off towards the hospital. Katsumi couldn't quite remember how she got in the car or who the driver was, but she felt Midnight's reassuring hand over hers, squeezing every now and again to give her a sense of comfort.

"As I said, we don't know the extent. Try to stay positive, Katsumi. It may not be as bad as you're thinking."

Midnight's words were meant to be reassuring; Katsumi knew that. But she could hardly process the words her teacher had said. She was in a near panic at the thought of Aizawa being hurt again.

"Katsumi, look at me," Midnight grabbed the side of Katsumi's face and forced her to look into her eyes. Katsumi stared up at Midnight, finally focusing back in on who she was with.

"Aizawa is a hero. A pro who knows what he's doing. Heroes are always at risk of being injured; it's part of the job. You know this, and so does he. But as heroes, you always have something you're wanting to protect, right?"

Katsumi slowly nodded her head. A small smile came to Midnight's face.

"Aizawa wants to protect you. He has you waiting for him when he comes home. You are, for all intents and purposes, his daughter. Do you really think he'd leave you alone?"

Katsumi thought about her words for a moment before she shook her head. He wouldn't. They had even talked about planning her work study after he was done with this mission. He would've known at least to some degree the type of mission he was getting himself into and had planned for it. He would never go into something without knowing what danger it was if he could help it.

"He's going to be okay."

A small smile came to Katsumi's face. She nodded, finally feeling her shoulders relax. She was still anxious and nervous for him, but the blinding panic that was building in her stomach was starting to subside.

"Thank you, Midnight."

"Please," Midnight winked. "Call me Kayama."

Katsumi's smile was gentle as she nodded her head. It felt like a privilege to be able to call Midnight by her real name. It made the feelings of her being more of a mother figure to Katsumi more real and tangible.

"Thank you...Kayama."

Midnight put her arm around Katsumi in a motherly way, holding the child close to her as they travelled to the hospital. Katsumi figured this was the best way Midnight knew how to comfort her. And it worked.

By the time they got to the hospital, Katsumi's panic had subsided, but the anxiousness still gnawed away at her stomach. She scurried out of the car, Midnight right behind her, as they rushed inside.

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