Chapter 55

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Katsumi sat up in her bed with wide eyes. Sweat was formed on her forehead and she took in short, deep breaths as she scanned the room. 

After a few seconds to orient herself, Katsumi took in one deep breath before sighing, looking down at her hands.

She was alone in her room.

Once Katsumi had finished talked with Bakugo, he eventually had her leave to go rest since she was hurt and still tired. Katsumi almost protested his wishes but consented when she realized he needed to rest as well. 

Katsumi lifted her right hand in the air, observing it. 

The burn scars across her wrist were still there, but they didn't bother her as much as the quirk that lay dormant within her hands. 

Katsumi felt overwhelmed at the sudden flood of memories of the events of the past week and her hand flew up to her mouth to keep her cries from becoming vocal. 

Her chest was tight as she tried to suppress her emotions. She didn't want to cry. She couldn't. If she started, Katsumi was unsure whether or not she would ever be able to put herself back together again. 

Not this time.

Tears misted her eyes and Katsumi squeezed them shut, holding her breath as she tried to force herself to hold in a sob.

Despite how badly, how desperately she wanted to scream and wail out her feelings at the top of her lungs without reserve, she couldn't. If her cries were heard by anyone, there would be someone knocking at the door to check on her to ask if she was okay. 

But she wasn't. And she didn't want anyone asking.

Despite how she had her own room, Katsumi did not ever have complete privacy. Someone was always nearby. She couldn't release her emotions without caring. Without thinking of someone hearing and coming to make sure she was doing alright.

For the first time in a long time, Katsumi desperately craved to be completely and securely alone where no one could reach her.

At least then...then she could scream out into emptiness without worrying about anything else.

Katsumi curled in on herself, whimpering as she stifled her cries until they were back under control. Her body shook with the effort to hold it together, but after a few minutes, the thin hold over her heart and mind returned, and she was able to open her eyes again.

Taking in a deep breath, Katsumi drug her body out of bed, feeling hollow inside as she got ready for class. Her feet took her over to her desk, where her fingers found the bracelets Bakugo had got her for her birthday. 

She gazed at the bracelets, tracing over the charms. 

Even her birthday, that special, happiest day of her life, seemed so far away now. Almost too far away.

Her lips twitched down into a frown as she left the bracelets on her desk. Knowing what those charms symbolized, Katsumi couldn't bear to put those heavy shackles across her wrists at the moment. 

She paused at the door, taking in another deep breath before releasing it. 

Today was the first day back in class after everything happened. She knew her friends were going to be questioning her, asking her if she was okay or what happened, and more. Katsumi knew Midoriya would feel guilty for what happened, much like Bakugo did.

Katsumi didn't know if she had the heart to fully convince someone else that it wasn't their fault without fully explaining why it was hers.

She didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to say it out loud.

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