Chapter 8

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Miyamoto didn't get any sleep that night. Not only was she worried about what had happened at the USJ and for Aizawa, Bakugo's words kept replaying in her head as well. He knew she had lied to him.

It almost made her panic; what other lie had he noticed of hers? She wasn't sure she could tell him the truth; it made her uneasy to have somebody else besides the heroes involved know her past, but the guilt she felt because of the sad expression on Bakugo's face conflicted her emotions.

The other aspect she kept panicking over was the idea of the villains knowing who she was. Once again, there was  that possibility of being taken; of being subject to somebody else's cruel desires with her only as a lab rat. Miyamoto barely blinked all night; her fear had overcome her to the point she was terrified to close her eyes. If they already recognized her, what was next? Was it only a spur of the moment thought on that villain's end to think to take her? Or would he target her now? 

Was she going to have to suffer through that nightmare again?

By the time Miyamoto realized it was morning and she had to get ready for class, she had to pull herself away from the corner she was tucked away in. She hadn't even made it to her bed at all last night. Miyamoto had wanted to calm herself down before she crawled into bed for sleep; she didn't know it would take her all night to sort through her emotions and still not come to a conclusion.

Exhausted and weak, Miyamoto sluggishly got ready for class. All of her movements were half-baked; if it weren't for her massive fear of being asked what was wrong, there would have been no effort put into her appearance. Her slowed motions took longer than anticipated.  Miyamoto ended up not eating anything yesterday, and because of how much time she took this morning, wouldn't have anything for breakfast either. 

If Aizawa was here, Miyamoto was sure he'd get onto her for being so careless about her own needs. He'd probably force her to miss homeroom just so she could eat something.

But since he wasn't, she felt like it would be okay for him not to know she wasn't taking care of herself. 

Miyamoto yawned before exiting her room and going to the main floor where all the classrooms were. Drowsily, she walked to class 1-A and stepped inside, the usual chatter of everyone masking her presence from some people. 

"Oh, Miyamoto!" 

Her tired eyes looked up to see Midoriya rushing over to her. He had a wide smile on his face. "I never had a chance to thank you yesterday, since things got so crazy."

Miyamoto tilted her head. "Thank me?"

"You bringing us all down into that darkness or shadow, it really helped us out! You bought us a few minutes against that Shigaraki guy and helped give us time to regain our composure."

Miyamoto stared at Midoriya in shock. She hadn't thought of her move like that at all. If anything, she had activated it out of fear and hoped they'd remain in that shadow until it was over. 

"O-oh," she muttered. "Thanks."

Midoriya shook his head. "No, I wanted to thank you. Every second counts in a fight, so it really helped!"

Miyamoto looked down at her fingers, pressing them together awkwardly. She didn't want to tell Midoriya the truth of why she'd activated her quirk now, as she thought it'd make him see her as lesser.

"By the way, what did he mean?" Midoriya asked, more on the serious side. Miyamoto looked back up at him. "When Shigaraki claimed he knew you, what did he mean by that?"

Miyamoto's face paled as she looked at Midoriya. "Ah, I-I don't know."

Midoriya looked at her confused, about to ask something else when Iida busted through, telling everyone to get in their seats before homeroom began. 

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