Chapter 53

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Katsumi woke up in a hospital bed. A frown came to her face the moment her consciousness caught up with her mind: how many times was she going to wake up in a hospital in her life? How many times had this already happened to her?

The events of what led up to her hospitalization came flooding back to Katsumi's brain and her eyes grew wide. She sat up in bed, instantly regretting her actions as a whimper escaped her lips as she grabbed her sides, closing her eyes as a wave of pain swept over her body.

Everything hurt.

She slowly opened her eyes, remembering the fight with her parents. How she fought she fought against Bakugo.

Katsumi looked down at her body. Her wrists were heavily bandaged, more so than her arms. Her right leg was wrapped in a cast and she was wrapped in bandages all the way up to her neck. Katsumi slowly moved her hand up to her bandaged neck, wincing at the pain just touching her neck caused.

It was probably severely bruised from Bakugo strangling her.

Her shoulders drooped and a frown came to her face. Was he okay? How was he feeling? She could only imagine how he was feeling at the moment.

Katsumi thought about her fight with her parents and her heart ached. The emotions welling within her chest threatened to burst forward, and Katsumi was barely able to suppress it. With a resigned sigh, she carefully lowered her head into her hands, feeling an overwhelming urge to cry.

Never before had Katsumi ever been consumed by rage. By her emotions. Acting like that, using her quirk like that...was terrifying. 

She had never lost control over her emotions like that. Never. Not even out of fear. It was a whole other type of desperation and emotion that spurred her actions despite her severe injuries. Now it made sense to her why Bakugo hadn't wanted her to move.

She probably shouldn't have moved after getting herself out of the rubble. 

Katsumi had convinced herself in that one moment that it was okay for her to be the monster they always said she was. That it was okay to exact her revenge and get rid of them once and for all. To show them they were right to be afraid of her and what she was.

In that moment, she completely lost sight of who she was and who she was trying to become.

All she had wanted was to prove her parents wrong...or right. What had actually happened and what she was actually trying to prove became a blur in Katsumi's mind. She wasn't really sure anymore what she had intended to do back then. The 'why' was very twisted and muffled inside her heart and mind.

The memory of Bakugo screaming not to kill her father made the first tear slip from her eye. They had all been trying to reach her, probably. Aizawa and Midoriya too. Yet...the pain and desperation that echoed throughout Bakugo's voice in that sentence was what brought her back. 

It was almost like he was afraid of her and what she would do.

Katsumi, ignoring the screaming pain in her body, curled up in herself further, soft sobs beginning to rack her body. The more she thought about it, the more the tears cascaded down her cheeks.

She was scary to them. She made the ones she loved afraid of her and what her actions would do. They were afraid of her.

And she lost control so easily. Killing them would have been too easy. She knew she could have done it. And at the time...

Katsumi would've done it without a second thought.

Katsumi looked down at her hands with blurred sight because of her tears, a new wave of hatred for who she was and her quirk flooding her mind. 

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