Chapter 21

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Miyamoto didn't leave her room much for the next few days. Even when she got an invitation from Mina and Uraraka to go swim at the pool, she lied and told her classmates she had come down with something. She had told her two friends that she wanted to make sure she was over her sickness before the summer training camp began.

So when Bakugo showed up to the pool, half-forced by Kirishima to go, he wasn't surprised at her absence. He had figured the event would've scared her enough to make her not want to show her face to anyone until she absolutely had to.

Bakugo had kept in contact with her, but he knew she was struggling with the idea of being a target of the villains again. She just wouldn't say it.

Instead, Miyamoto holed herself up in her room, clutching the stuffed animal she had bought as a form of comfort, with her blanket wrapped around her.

Aizawa would make sure she ate three meals a day, and he'd occasionally check in on her so they could talk. He was still one of the only people who could actually get her to speak when she didn't feel like saying what was on her mind.

Because of the information they'd gained about this new villain, Dabi, Aizawa had the summer camp under even tighter scrutiny and made sure its location remained secret. They had already planned to beef up the security and secrecy because of the League of Villains, but now there was even more reason to add more.

But all the precautions had been put in place, and it was now time for the first years to set out for their training camp.

All of the students had their bags packed and loaded on the bus, and Miyamoto looked around anxiously as she saw class 1-B close by.

She saw the same boy from the Sports Festival; the one she'd knocked into the wall. Someone had told her his name was Monoma. Miyamoto wanted to go over and apologize to him for what she did, but she still felt uneasy about approaching him.

Instead, she ended up on the bus in the very back. Everyone else had partners to sit by, but Miyamoto wasn't all too bothered by the fact she was left out. It gave her more time to mentally prepare herself for the training camp. She could tell Aizawa was saying something, but it was drowned out by the loud chatter from her fellow classmates.

She looked out the window until a creepy chuckle interrupted her thoughts. Miyamoto turned her head to see Mineta staring at her. She never really talked to the tiny boy, but something about him was off-putting to her.

"Hey, hey," he was drooling. "You wouldn't mind if I sat beside you, right? It wouldn't be a problem if we got buddy-buddy?"

Miyamoto felt her face pale. He was creepy. She wanted him nowhere near her. "Um...actually, I don't want-"

A hand grabbed the scruff of Mineta's collar and lifted him off the ground. Mineta came face to face with a furious-looking Bakugo.

"You wanna die, grape?"

Mineta let out a scream as Bakugo tossed him over his shoulder. It drew attention as Mineta smacked against the ground, but nobody really seemed concerned for him or his well-being. Instead, their eyes went to the person who threw Mineta, who was now angrily sitting beside Miyamoto.

Kirishima and Kaminari were quietly laughing to themselves, sneaking out their phones to take pictures of Bakugo and Miyamoto. Others seemed relatively surprised at the seemingly out of character protectiveness Bakugo displayed.

Miyamoto let out a sigh of relief, relaxing beside her friend. "Thank you."

"Just tell him to die next time, Runt," Bakugo grumbled. "It ain't that hard to tell him to shove it. Punt the bastard if you have to."

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