Chapter 57

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Katsumi was frowning at Aizawa. 

He had convinced her to go see Eri, of course, but Katsumi was even more put out when she realized she wasn't the only one that would be there.

When Katsumi arrived with Aizawa, Monoma, Mirio, and Midoriya were all there as well. Eri was hiding behind Mirio, looking wary of Monoma and his erratic behavior. 

Not that Katsumi could blame the poor child. Monoma wasn't exactly the easiest person to understand.

"Why are they all here too?" Katsumi murmured to Aizawa, shifting her weight on her crutch, and he gave her a small look. 

"She's trying to find her way in this world too. She needs people around her."

Katsumi frowned, knowing Aizawa wasn't just talking about Eri when he said that. But she didn't complain and remained quiet as the group walked inside the building so Monoma could try to copy her quirk.

To Katsumi's surprise, Monoma was quickly taken in by Eri and was very gentle with her despite his brazen attitude earlier. He actually seemed...sweet?

Unfortunately for them, however, Monoma couldn't copy Eri's quirk. He explained it as a blank, where a quirk that stockpiled was something he would always be unable to copy because of the nature of the quirk.

Katsumi wondered about her quirk for a moment, wondering if hers was a stockpiled quirk. Maybe that's why there was ten attributes? But Monoma had never gotten to copy her quirk, and Katsumi was definitely not about to ask Monoma to test her inquisitive theories.

She was still very much afraid of her quirk.

"I'm sorry," Katsumi was taken out of her thoughts at Eri's timid and sad voice. She looked at the small girl, who was holding her horn forlorn. "You're having trouble because of me. My power gives everyone trouble. I wish I didn't have this power."

Katsumi's eyes got wide as she looked at the small girl. Her mouth dropped open, but she was unable to say anything to Eri. All Katsumi could do was look on in shock at the reflection of herself she saw in Eri.

Midoriya was quick to jump in and negate Eri's statements, reminding Eri that she had saved him.

"I think it's about how you use it," Midoriya continued with a smile, and Katsumi's eyes flitted over to him as she listened. You know, like with knives. They're dangerous, but the sharper they are, the more delicious food you're able to make! That's why your power is wonderful."

Katsumi's eyes glazed over at his words as they sunk into her mind. How she used it? That didn't help her. It was obvious what Katsumi would do with her quirk given the chance. 

What about her power was wonderful?

"I've got to go for a little while," Aizawa broke through Katsumi's deep thoughts as he looked at her. "Would you mind staying with Eri?"

Katsumi knew what that meant: he wanted her to stay and talk with Eri.

"Of course." Katsumi obliged, watching as Eri said goodbye to everyone else, even Monoma, who had considerably softened around the small girl.

Katsumi walked over to the couch and sat down, letting out a sigh as she did, setting her crutch beside her. Eri came over to her and climbed up on the couch, sitting beside Katsumi with a smile on her face.

"I was really worried about you," Eri spoke first. "I was worried when I didn't see you after that day in the hospital, even though Mr. Aizawa said everything was okay."

"I'm sorry I've worried you so," Katsumi genuinely apologizes, trying to give Eri a smile. "I haven't felt like I could see you or talk to you until recently...even now...I don't quite know what to say."

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