Chapter 27

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Bakugo had been the first to wake from the impromptu nap the two of them had taken. It was almost as if he had felt that he needed to wake up, because not even a minute after he woke, the door to Katsumi's room was being open.

He couldn't move fast in fear of waking Katsumi, so he slowly turned over to see Kirishima and Kaminari in the doorway, looking at their position. 

Huge grins began to spread on their faces and Bakugo have them a harsh glare. "Don't even say it!" 

His threat was whispered so Katsumi didn't wake up, and his two friends chuckled as they quietly shut the door, holding all sorts of snacks and drinks in their hands.

"Bro if you like her, just say so," Kaminari smirked. "You don't have to keep lying to us."

"I ain't saying anything," Bakugo growled. "You're the idiots assuming everything."

Kirishima rolled his eyes, setting everything in his arms down on Katsumi's desk. "Whatever, Softie, just wake her up so we can eat."

"I ain't soft!" Bakugo hissed. 

He huffed, turning back around to gaze down at Katsumi, who was still peacefully sleeping. He felt bad in a way, waking her up. He knew that peaceful look would disappear so soon once she came back to reality. 

It was a pity, really.

He moved his hand to her shoulder and gently began to shake her. "Oi, Katsumi. Wake up."

Katsumi's eyes slowly fluttered open. She took in a long, deep breath as she came out of her slumber, blinking several times as she slowly stretched out her body, forgetting she was still up against Bakugo.

He grunted and moved to a sitting position, looking at her irritated as she continued to stretch. She would've kicked him had he stayed still. 

"I didn't mean to sleep so long," she murmured, her voice still thick with sleep. Katsumi rubbed her eyes and turned over, looking up at Bakugo. "Thank you for helping me relax."

Bakugo, hearing Kirishima and Kaminari's snickering in the background, looked away from Katsumi with a huff, his cheeks dusted pink. 

"It was nothing. Now come on, Crappy Hair and Dunce Face got us some food."

Katsumi looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari, who were both leaning against her desk with huge smiles on their faces. She was a little embarrassed that they came by while she was sleeping, and she sat up on her bed.

"Sorry," she murmured. "I didn't even hear you two come in."

"We basically got a death glare the moment we opened the door," Kirishima laughed, gesturing to Bakugo. "So we were quiet."

Bakugo grumbled under his breath with a pout on his lips. Katsumi gave a small smile before she put her legs over the bed to touch the ground.

"Well, thank you for bringing food. I didn't realize I never ate."

"Of course you didn't," Bakugo huffed. "You always forget to take care of yourself."

"Hey, be nicer!" Kaminari scolded. Bakugo, now irritated, flipped him off.

"I am!"

"No, Bakugo's right," Katsumi frowned. "Whenever things like this happen, I always tend to forget about taking care of my own needs and things of that nature. He tends to remind me to eat, drink water, and sleep just to make sure I cover the basics."

"So this happens often?" Kirishima inquired, his voice now more serious. Katsumi nodded her head sadly.

"I know I didn't get to explain anything earlier. But I will now, if you have time."

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