Chapter 61

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It was only two days before Katsumi got released from the hospital again. 

Her mind still swirled with doubt, with the words Dabi told her, truth or not, with her own decision, with her own feelings, and so much more. The words Aizawa and Bakugo told her in the hospital room was burned into her mind, replaying over and over every time the thought of her jumping popped back into her memory.

While her body had physically healed, her mind was still at war.

Katsumi thought the warring state was almost typical for her now, as pitiful as it seemed. 

Aizawa did keep up his promise, too. When she got released from the hospital, he took her over to a different hospital made to treat villains, and the two of them passed by the room her parents were in. He had been telling the truth. They were undergoing treatments and surgeries, but they were, in fact, still alive.

Dabi did lie.

But now, Katsumi was being led back to UA towards the dorms with Aizawa at her side. She had no idea what her classmates had been told, what they were going to ask her, or anything like that. Part of her didn't want them to ask what had happened. Not if she had to replay that day over and over again.

There was, however, a small part of her that wished for them to ask. To let her voice what happened, get it out in the open, as ugly as it was, so that she could keep moving forward. None of them had judged her thus far. Why should this be the thing that makes them stop?

"They don't know all the details," Aizawa broke through her thoughts. Katsumi looked up at him as they approached the door. "They only know you fell. Nothing else."

"Oh..." Katsumi's relief lifted her spirits. Even if she wanted to talk about it, she didn't want the preconceived notions from them knowing everything about what happened. "Good."

Aizawa led the two of them inside the dorms. Katsumi's anxiety crawled up her stomach as she entered the main lobby, her eyes scanning her surroundings. 

Whether it was bad or good luck, she didn't know, but some of her friends were hanging out on the couches, talking with one another. 

Kirishima was the first to spot her. His eyes got wide and he jumped up from the couch. Kaminari and Mina followed his line of vision, their eyes falling on Katsumi. Sero, Jirou, and Ochaco were the next to see.

Katsumi braced herself for the conversation that was about to happen.


Kirishima shouted her name as he ran straight into Katsumi's body, nearly knocking her off her feet had his arms not wrapped around her so tightly. Katsumi's eyes widened at his reaction, barely getting her arms up in time before everyone else gathered round her, reaching out their arms to hug her the best they could.

Tears misted her eyes as she heard everyone around her, all of them hugging and reaching out towards her to show their love. A wobbly smile came to her lips and she buried her face into Kirishima's chest.

"I'm home," she whimpered. "I'm home."

She slowly sunk to her knees, beginning to cry as the others smiled around her, comforting her through what they suspected was an incredibly difficult time, even if they didn't know the circumstances.

Aizawa looked at Katsumi, a small, pained smile on his face at her words. 'Home' had never meant more than it did just then. 

As much pain and fear that had coursed through everyone's body the past few days because of the circumstances seemed to simmer out with those two words. 

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