Chapter 20

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I feel like this song is perfect for Miyamoto. It just fits her so much. Okay, read on!


Bakugo had brought Miyamoto to U.A. and up to her room, where he sat her down on the bed. He plopped down beside her, setting her bags down on the ground before resting an elbow on his knee and propping his face up with his hand.

"What happened?"

Miyamoto curled up into a ball, her hands going to her head. The position reminded Bakugo a lot of her reaction at the Sports Festival. Her body wasn't shaking as bad, but she was still in shock.

She shook her head at him. Bakugo looked around at her face. "Miyamoto, what happened?"

"I...I-I can't...I can't say..."

Her voice was quiet, shaky, and full of terror. Bakugo clenched his fists together.

"What do you mean you can't say? Something obviously freaked you out!"

Miyamoto felt tears slip down her face and she shook her head at him again. "He...he said...I-I can't say."

Bakugo's eyes got wide. "Who?"

When Miyamoto stayed quiet, Bakugo was quick to move down on his knees, getting in front of Miyamoto, taking her hands away from her face so he could look at her. 

"Miyamoto, who did you see? Did he hurt you?"

"He said...he said I couldn't tell anyone," Miyamoto's body shook as she stared desperately afraid into Bakugo's eyes. "I can't say. He'll-"

Miyamoto stopped herself. She wanted to say. She wanted to tell Bakugo. She wanted to tell Aizawa. Every bone and muscle in her body ached for them to help her and protect her; to be aware of the newfound threat.

But another, more traumatized part of her body told her not to say a word. If she did, more people would be hurt because of her. Memories of scientists telling her if she ran, anyone she came into contact with would die. Of how if she told anyone, including the other test subjects, any information, they would be killed and she'd be tortured.

Her natural response was still fear.

"I'm sorry," Miyamoto cried, her head hanging down. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, why are you apologizing?" Bakugo stared at her confused and helpless. He knew he couldn't force any information out of her, but he also wanted to know what was going on in her head so he could find a way to calm her down.

"H-he, they...they're going," Miyamoto shook her head. She was mixing her current reality with her past and it wasn't meshing pleasantly.

"Look at me," Bakugo calmly said, but Miyamoto ignored him, instead continuing to move her head back and forth. He gave her wrists a small tug, hitting his forehead against hers. "Look at me!"

Miyamoto had no choice but to stare into the red eyes that were centimeters away. Bakugo kept her focus. "They're not going to get you. Okay? No one is going to do anything to you."

Her hands were shaky, but Bakugo never broke his gaze. "Take a deep breath. Breathe. He didn't get you. I'm here now, I've got you. No one's going to hurt you."

Miyamoto listened. As she began to take in deep breaths, Bakugo moved his head from hers, watching as she slowly began to regulate her breathing.

"You're not where you used to be," Bakugo murmured. "You have the option to reach out to others without fearing the consequences. Everyone here is strong enough; we can protect you. You just have to let us."

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