Chapter 66

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Katsumi flew down the street, stretching out her arms towards the little girl who was too terrified to dodge the falling debris.

"Watch out!"

Darkness flew from Katsumi's fingertips, providing a barrier above the girl as the debris fell into the darkness, absorbed and forgotten.

Katsumi hits the ground running, scooping the girl in her arms as she passes through, extending the barrier around the girl's body to protect her. A smile came to Katsumi's face as she looked down at the terrified child.

"Don't worry, I've got you now. I'll make sure you get somewhere safe. What's your name?"


"Mei, huh? What a lovely name. I'm Katsumi! Don't worry Mei, I will make sure nothing can harm you. Do you trust me?"

The little girl's eyes shone, a small smile curving her lips up. Katsumi ran to safety, putting Mei down in front of an ambulance that had arrived to the scene.

"She's uninjured, but she's scared. Please take care of her, and get her to my agency as quickly as possible. There are still other children inside that they're trying to hold hostage. I'll be bringing all of them out soon."

"Katsumi!" A paramedic called as she turned. "Aren't you going to wait for backup? You shouldn't go in there alone!"

A confident smile came to her lips. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. And even if it gets too much for me...I know my backup is already on his way."

With that, Katsumi activated her quirk, beginning to float in the air once more. "Mei! I'll be back soon. They're going to take good care of you, I promise."

With those parting words, Katsumi took off back towards the chaos.

She'd been a Pro Hero for ten years now. After graduating from U.A., she worked hard with other heroes to gain a better network for herself, and ended up founding her own agency after five years of working with others.

The Elemental Agency was devoted to saving children in unfortunate circumstances. Katsumi worked tirelessly to ensure children like her or Eri would never have to suffer endlessly. And recently, she'd uncovered a trafficking ring holding more than 75 children, boys and girls alike, and trying to move them underground to harvest their quirks.

The raid was launched, and the traffickers tried to use the children as hostages so the heroes wouldn't attack. Katsumi wasn't fazed, however, and immediately took action. She was able to instantly get almost 20 kids out of the facility before massive fights broke out. One of the men unleashed his quirk and nearly took out the entire building, which is why she ended up having to save Mei before part of the building collapsed on the poor child.

Now she had to save the others before the traffickers took off with them.

Without hesitation she flew back into the fray, all 10 attributes of her quirk activated. With her senses heightened, she was easily able to locate the traffickers and the children scattered throughout the area.

"There you are," Katsumi murmured, her mind calculating a plan to deter the villains and save the kids as quick as possible. "Now I just need to get them out of here."

She sensed the student who was doing her work study with Katsumi's agency nearby, and a knowing smile came to her face.


"Right here, Katsumi!"

Eri rushed to where Katsumi floated in the air, hair pulled back as she faced the building. "There are two traffickers in the main building ahead. They've locked themselves inside with what I believe to be around ten kids. I'm going ahead first. Go into the hallway after me and wait there. The kids will come out before I do. When they do, take all of them down the street where the ambulances and paramedics are. I don't want them anywhere near here."

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