Chapter 7

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The smell of the hospital was all too familiar to Miyamoto. It brought a lot of anxiety into her stomach as she looked around, heading straight to the front desk. She prayed it wasn't one of the workers who would recognize her. 

"I need to know what room Aizawa-sensei is in, please." Miyamoto timidly asked. The receptionist looked up at her and instantly smiled. Miyamoto cringed. She recognized the lady.

"Miyamoto-san! It's good to see you up and moving. Are you doing well?"

Miyamoto grimaced at the friendly receptionist, knowing she was just doing her job. But her statements would only raise questions to the boy who stood behind her.

"Yes ma'am, I am. But please, I'm here for Aizawa." The desperate look on Miyamoto's face made the receptionist nod. 

"He's on the fourth floor, room 4018. He's currently resting, but you can go see him. Is this young man going with you?" She pointed to Bakugo, who had one hand on his hip; he looked rather annoyed.

"Yes he is." Miyamoto murmured. The receptionist nodded before giving them permission to go. The two of them walked to the elevator, where they stood in silence as it lifted them up towards the fourth floor.

Bakugo had learned that being direct wasn't the way to get information out of Miyamoto. She always had a way to either ignore the question or just not answer. He was curious to know why the receptionist recognized her so clearly - even in her hero costume. The lady didn't even put up a fight trying to keep them away from Aizawa either. There were so many unknown variables around the situation that it made Bakugo angry.

The elevator dinged and opened to the fourth floor, where Miyamoto was quick to exit, looking around for room 4018. She followed the signs, Bakugo walking beside her, still brewing about what he had seen and heard. 

When they got to Aizawa's room, Miyamoto frantically opened it and ran inside, her sudden hustle taking Bakugo off-guard. He entered the room much slower than she did, observing her actions.


She clutched the bedside railing, looking at Aizawa as he lay there. Miyamoto's eyes checked all of the vitals on the machine beside him, relieved as she recognized they were all level and steady. She looked back down at Aizawa, tears brimming in her eyes.


He stirred in his hospital bed and took in a deep breath. His whole face was covered, but Miyamoto could tell he was awake. 

"Why are you here, Miyamoto?"

A couple of tears slipped down her face. "Because you promised you wouldn't go anywhere. You reassured me everything would be fine. But you're not."

Aizawa let out a long sigh. "It couldn't be helped this time. I did what I had to in order to make sure you all stayed safe. As you can clearly see, I'll be just fine."

Miyamoto hung her head. "I saw how badly hurt you were. I was so scared. I didn't want to lose you."

"You haven't lost me, Miyamoto. Just as I promised, I'm not going anywhere." Aizawa's voice was softer this time, and she could tell he wasn't annoyed or mad at her for being there. 

"Aizawa, I-" Miyamoto stopped herself for a moment, suddenly remembering the other student in the room with her. But she couldn't not tell Aizawa. 

"That villain," she whispered. "He knew who I was."

Aizawa remained silent after that, as if he were debating on what to say to the child. After a couple moments of silence, he let out a huff.

"Did you come here alone?"

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