Chapter 59

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Katsumi didn't have time to dodge, or think, or scream for help.

Whatever Dabi had shot at her, it landed right in her neck and she let out a gasp of pain as an odd sensation rippled throughout her entire body.

And then, Kurogiri had swept the three of them into his portal, making them disappear from the shopping center, far away from Aizawa and Eri.

When they reappeared, Katsumi fell to her knees, coughing as she took whatever needle had been shot at her from her neck. She could feel the tiniest prickle of blood ooze down her neck and she looked up, glaring at Dabi.

He stood over her with a victorious smile on his face. 

"W-where did you take us?"

"We're on the top of a skyscraper," Dabi grinned. "Far away from the eyes of heroes and the like."

Katsumi's eyes widened as she looked around her. She became overly aware of how the wind whipped around her; she could see the sky upon her like she never had before. 

She unsteadily got to her feet, looking around the square platform she was on. Her feet led her towards the edge, and one look over was enough for her to feel vertigo. She put a hand to her mouth, nauseous, stumbling forwards away from the ledge.

"I wasn't lying." Dabi mused.

"W-why?" Katsumi gasped out. "Why not take me to your base? Or anywhere else? Why here?"

"Because I haven't fully convinced Shigaraki not to hand you over to All-For-One yet. If we went back there, you'd be a goner. I needed a place we could talk."

Katsumi gave him a small glare. "Talk?"

A grin came to Dabi's face. "My offer from last time still stands, Katsumi."

"Why would you ever believe I would join you?!" Katsumi's anger spiked. "You honestly believed I would join you after you kidnap me and threaten me?!"

"I believe you will."

"I won't!" Katsumi refused to entertain the idea again. "Why would I ever join the league of villains?"

"Because we can offer you the one thing you really want."

Katsumi grew quiet: she stared at Dabi, still as a statue. "Huh?"

Dabi held up the little gun in his hand that he had shot her with, the grin on his face growing. "What I just shot you with was an incomplete form of a drug. A drug that permanently removes someone's quirk."

Her heart throbbed against her chest; her eyes grew wide as she fixated on the solution Dabi had given her. 

"Remove...a quirk?"

Dabi's eyes glowed with joy at her piqued interest. "Try to use your quirk, Katsumi."

Katsumi hesitantly lifted her arm, her eyes getting wider when she realized nothing was working. She had no quirk at the moment. The darkness, air, light...all ten aspects...they were gone.

A quiet gasp left her lips as she stared down at her hands. She was...quirkless, at the moment.

"Aren't you tired of people chasing you because of your quirk?" Dabi questioned. "People constantly seeking after you, trying to force you to become something for them. Or to use you for some unknown reason, torturing you to grant their own selfish desires? Tired of unintentionally causing pain and havoc everywhere you go because of a quirk you never asked for?"

Katsumi couldn't speak a word, her eyes shimmering as they remained fixed on her hands.

"That drug I hit you with will wear off in a few hours," Dabi warned. "Then you'll be back to the girl who is chased by everyone. The girl who hates her own quirk."

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