Chapter 10

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When everybody had been released to do their own training, Miyamoto had went with Aizawa to one of the training zones. If Miyamoto had been able to see his face when she asked about getting stronger, she would've seen the most shocked yet happiest expression grace Aizawa's features.

So now, they were in a training area by themselves so Miyamoto could feel more at ease.

"To be perfectly honest, you don't have a fighting style or anything of the sort yet," Aizawa started. "You have to find a style that best suits you. That way once you find that style, you can train your body accordingly. Either way, you need to get physically stronger."

"What's step one?" Miyamoto asked. The anxiety bubbling in her body was overwhelming; she felt like there was so much to do and figure out but not enough time to do it.

"We'll work on some regular fitness for right now," Aizawa said. "The stronger you are physically, the more control you'll have over your quirk. There's two weeks until the school festival. For the first week, focus on upping your fitness regime. The second week, we'll be focusing on applying your quirk. That way you can prepare yourself for how you want to use it."

Miyamoto took in a deep breath to help calm herself down. She was already dreading the second week.

"This way, you have time to research and think about what type of fighting style you want." Aizawa stated. It made sense. Miyamoto nodded before letting out a breath through her nose.

"What types of fighting styles are there? Which one would be best suited for my quirk?"

"It depends," Aizawa muttered. "Your quirk is designed to be used both defensively and offensively. It's nature makes it easy to adapt. If you're just sticking with your darkness for right now, I would suggest a more defensive style. Make your defense your offense."

"So I should research both types but because reasons, I will only focus on the darkness quirk?"

"More or less," Aizawa summed up. "You should be able to find a style of fighting that can do both defense and offense. The main thing is going to be analyzing when to defend and when to attack. Even study some of your classmates, if you want."

Miyamoto felt shy thinking about watching others. "Um...who would be good examples?"

"For a more aggressive offensive style of fighting, Bakugo is the obvious choice. He's a great fighter and has good instincts. If you asked, he could probably give you a few pointers on fighting," Aizawa observed Miyamoto's reaction before continuing. "Another good example of offensive fighting would be Todoroki or even Ashido. Todoroki is intellectual and precise in his moves so he doesn't waste any movements. Ashido may not look like the type at first glance, but she's incredibly talented with her quirk and has perfected an offensive type of fighting that uses her quirk to her advantage."

All Miyamoto could do was listen and soak everything in. Bakugo, Todoroki, and Mina for offensive studying.

"For defense, I'd recommend you look at Kirishima. His quirk is perfect for a defensive style of fighting, and he often lets his defense become his offense. If you want to focus on defense, he'd be a good bet. Another good defensive artist would be Asui. She's incredibly strong and has a keen sense of her capabilities as well as her surroundings, and makes it all work for her." Aizawa continued. Miyamoto nodded.

Kirishima and Asui for defensive studying.

"If you'd like to see a more even mix of offense and defense, you could look at Todoroki, Midoriya, or Tokoyami. As I said with Todoroki before, he's very intellectual and analytical. Midoriya may be careless and not care about his body, but he's extremely analytical about what he does and calculates his offensive and defensive moves. Tokoyami has Dark Shadow, which naturally acts as a defensive and offensive weapon."

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