Chapter 11

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The first week of training was absolutely brutal for Miyamoto. 

Every day when training began, Miyamoto would meet with Aizawa, where she would run, do various sorts of drills and exercises, before finishing with an increasing number of punches. Each day, Aizawa upped the count for punches by fifty. 

After that, she would go meet with Bakugo and begin training with him. He was an excellent teacher for Miyamoto, who took blunt instruction extremely well. After he'd teach her something, the two would spar for an hour or two until Bakugo decided to work on his own quirk or Miyamoto was too tired to keep going. She would then either go back to her room to research styles of fighting, or go find some of her other classmates to ask them for advice.

She had spent time to talk to Kirishima, Mina, and Midoriya on separate days to see what type of advice they could offer her. Miyamoto would absorb all the information before thanking them, going back to her room, and applying those techniques on her own.

Miyamoto's body ached all over, and there were small bruises from her sparring matches with Bakugo. It hurt, and it pained Miyamoto, but she convinced herself it was worth it. It made the smallest tasks like walking hurt and she would often wince with her movements, but she wanted to keep going.

For the first time, Miyamoto felt motivated to do something for herself. She wanted to fulfill the promise she made to Aizawa to become the best hero she could be. Miyamoto had never had this drive before, and she wanted to go as far as she could with it before her brain decided she wasn't worth the effort.

But now, the second week of training was about to begin. Even over the weekend, Miyamoto had trained with Aizawa and All Might, and she and Aizawa talked a lot about how she would be able to safely use her quirk.

Miyamoto dragged herself to class, her muscles aching even more today than usual. Yesterday was a lighter workout, Aizawa had said, but for some reason, she felt more achy and exhausted.

She sauntered over to her chair and sat down, letting out a small sigh as she did. Part of her wished for a break; but according to Aizawa, there was no time for that since the festival was a week away. Though she'd never say it out loud, Miyamoto was looking forward to a break after the Sports Festival ended.

Miyamoto felt the building anxiety in her stomach; the thought of actually fighting or going against others still terrified her. It made her worry that all of this training she was doing would be for nothing; she would freeze in an actual fight and run away. And that was dangerous for her.

There was a lot she still had to figure out; learning how to fight was one thing, but actually applying those skills while adding her quirk was another.

Just the thought of her losing control made a shiver pass down Miyamoto's spine. She knew how horrible that could be, not only for others, but for herself as well. Not to mention the increased mental damage Miyamoto knew she'd face if more people found out about her quirk, or if she accidentally hurt someone.


Miyamoto looked over at Mina, who had somehow upgraded Miyamoto from 'Miya-chan' to 'Katsu-chan' over the past week. The first time she had called out the new nickname, Mina had said 'Kat-chan', which immediately threw Bakugo in a rage at the idea of anyone else calling him what he deemed was, "the stupid nickname damn Deku called him."

Because of that incident, Mina decided to add the extra syllable to make it more acceptable. So now, Miyamoto was officially 'Katsu-chan' to her.

"Was my advice the other day helpful? Did it help you out?" Her eyes looked at Miyamoto brightly, with hope glimmering in her smile. Miyamoto nodded her head.

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