Chapter 14

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Bakugo held up on his promise. He won the Sports Festival.

But at the awards ceremony, Miyamoto couldn't say he looked very happy about his win. He was quite the opposite, actually. 

Seeing him in those chains was painful for Miyamoto, and she was confused as to why they did that to him, but he seemed incredibly angry and agitated because of the way he won. From what she saw during the last fight and from what he was saying to All Might as he was presented his medal, the way he won was useless. It wasn't a satisfying win.

There were a lot of interesting fights that happened that day, but the two that stood out to Miyamoto most was Todoroki vs. Midoriya and then Todoroki vs. Bakugo. Both of those fights felt oddly personal to Miyamoto, as if there were a lot more to it than a regular fight; it wasn't just a fight to 'win', per say.

Regardless, the Sports Festival was now over, and everyone was making their way out of the stadium. Miyamoto began the walk back to U.A., knowing it wouldn't take her too long to get there on her own. It was later in the day and she was absolutely exhausted; the days' events had finally settled into her bones, weighing down each step she took.

Miyamoto figured with how angry Bakugo was, he wouldn't want to talk about anything this evening anyways. And she still needed to talk to Aizawa. 

Her head was down as she walked. She only focused on the ground in front of her, only occasionally glancing up to make sure she was headed the right direction. The closer Miyamoto got to U.A., the more an unsettling feeling churned in her stomach.

The odd sensation of being watched made the hairs on the back of her neck stand; chills rippled down her spine and across her arms. Of course there were people around; it wasn't like the neighborhood was abandoned or empty. But it was there.

A gaze stuck on her body as she walked. As if every heavy-laden step Miyamoto took was under scrutiny. She could feel the lump rise up in her throat as she struggled to control her breathing. Ever so slightly, Miyamoto picked up her pace, her eyes looking up as she saw U.A. from a distance.

Miyamoto felt hot as she walked; all she wanted to do was be in her room, safe.


She glanced over her shoulder, looking for any obvious signs of someone who could've been watching her. When she saw no one, Miyamoto didn't know whether to be relieved or terrified. 

Instead of waiting to find out which emotion would hit her first, she turned back around and broke out in a run. This is what she did best. Miyamoto may be cursed at everything else in her life, but she could run. 

And she knew how.

Without stopping to look back again, Miyamoto made it safely through the gates of U.A. Only once she got to the doors of the building and was safely inside did she stop running. 

A gasp left her lips as she put her hands on her knees. She had no idea what had happened back there, but she also knew better than to wait and see what was wrong. That would only lead to trouble.

With a worried glance over her shoulder, Miyamoto made her way up to her room. When she got inside, she plopped on the bed as everything from today crashed over her.

More tears came to her eyes and she began to cry once again, the shock of using her quirk, hurting those people, hurting herself, and then the feeling of being followed was all too much for one day. Not to mention she was going to be telling Bakugo everything tomorrow; that merely added to the anxiety coursing throughout her body. 

Covering her mouth to stifle her cries, Miyamoto laid in bed alone, letting out all the emotions she had to stifle throughout the day. Everything burst through like a broken dam. And this time, she wasn't going to be able to patch it up.

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