Chapter 26

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Katsumi was happy to see the improvement in Bakugo's mood and overall how he held himself the next day. She knew he wasn't 100%, but she never really expected him to be so shortly after the event. 

At the very least, Bakugo seemed to be in a better mood and willing to be around his classmates again instead of closing himself off.

Katsumi wasn't looking forward to her classes all that much either, especially knowing she'd be sitting out for most of the physical activities. It made her feel as if she were falling behind on training, but she also knew neither Aizawa or Bakugo would let her set foot onto the training field knowing she's still in the healing process.

It was going to be a very boring afternoon after lunch ended.

But for now, Katsumi decided to enjoy her lunch. The atmosphere seemed more normal today than it had been in a long time. She sat beside Bakugo as she normally did, with Kirishima and Kaminari in front of the two of them. Mina had sat with Momo and Kyoka today, so it left Katsumi being the only girl at their little table today.

"Miyamoto, do you not like the food? You've hardly touched anything." Kirishima broke Katsumi from her thoughts and she blinked a few times before looking down at her plate.

"Oh, no, I like it. I was just thinking." 

She immediately picked up her chopsticks and started to grab some rice. Kaminari put an elbow down on the table, leaning closer to her. "Thinking about what?"

"How I'll be falling behind this week in training since I can't participate in any of the activities." Katsumi muttered as she put some rice in her mouth.

"Well that can't really be helped," Kirishima gave her a small smile. "You don't want to reinjure yourself."

"But if I'm not doing anything while I recover, I'm just getting weaker," Katsumi frowned. "I'm weak enough as it is."

"No you aren't," Bakugo grunted. She looked over at him as he gave her a small glare. "You're not weak. That injury proves you're strong enough to beat death. If you can win against that, you're pretty damn strong."

"Exactly!" Kaminari smiled. "You pulled through a critical injury. There's nothing weak about that! You'll be able to build up your strength after you heal."

Kirishima nodded at his friends before turning to Katsumi. "See? No one here has ever thought you were weak."

A half-smile came to her face. "Thanks guys, I really-"


Katsumi's eyes widened as her name boomed throughout the cafeteria. She looked over in shock to see Present Mic standing at the entrance of the cafeteria with his hands on his hips.


Katsumi's face was beet red as she looked down at her lap, timidly raising her hand in the air. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she realized all the attention in the cafeteria had turned towards their table.

"The hell?" Bakugo grunted.

"What would he need with you?" Kirishima wondered. 

Katsumi wished she knew. She also wondered why he didn't just quietly search the room until he spotted her so she wouldn't be faced with all the embarrassment and anxiety of having everyone focused on her.

Present Mic made his way over to her before shouting at the rest of the students to mind their own business. Not all of them turned away from her, but she could tell a few students at least had the common courtesy to focus back on what they were doing before.

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