Chapter 38

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Katsumi remained silent the whole time they walked to the lunch room to grab something for them to eat. Even when Aizawa asked her questions, she would mumble her answer, her eyes focused on the ground.

Aizawa continued to grow worried.

Bakugo was steadily getting more pissed off.

Katsumi hardly ate what food she was given, but got just enough into her system so Aizawa or Bakugo didn't raise a fuss.

When they separated to go to the dorms, Katsumi sighed, hardly registering that Aizawa was saying something to Bakugo as she walked away. Her mind was filled with a lot of questions, hurt, guilt, and unchecked rage. 

Bakugo caught up to Katsumi, scolding her for walking off without him, but she barely managed to nod her head. The actions concerned him too. This was a Katsumi he wasn't familiar with. 

As they got to the dorms, Bakugo narrowed his eyes, seeing a couple of people on the couches talking with one another. He knew Katsumi was in no condition to talk, but that's exactly what would happen if they went over there.

Bakugo forcibly grabbed Katsumi's wrist and dragged her towards his room as fast as he could. Katsumi protested weakly, and Bakugo was easily able to shout at the few people who noticed the two of them. No one followed them as he went down the hallway.

He opened up his room and pushed Katsumi inside, slamming the door shut behind him and locking the door. 

"What was that for?" Katsumi frowned, regaining her balance. Bakugo gave her a harsh glare.

"What do you think?!"

"I don't know. We were just walking and you suddenly yanked me away." Katsumi's voice held an edge of irritation to it. Bakugo felt his anger towards her parents rise. 

Other than that, Katsumi wasn't even aware their friends were there to bombard them. Her awareness was practically nothing at the moment. 

"Did you really not realize there were other people around? Have you heard a word I've said since we left the infirmary??"

Katsumi's eyes widened a little. She hadn't. She didn't even realize where they were until she looked around to see Bakugo's room. Her heart thumped in her chest when she recognized how zoned out she previously was.

"You can't do this, Katsumi!" Bakugo snapped. Katsumi looked back at him, her eyebrows furrowed down. 

"I'm not doing anything?"

Bakugo crossed his room and grabbed her shoulders.

"You haven't even realized that you're not completely covered, yet you walk around like there's nothing wrong! If you were in your right mind, you would be freaking out and begging for some clothes to change into! You're walking around like some stupid zombie that won't express what she's feeling and it pisses me off!"

Katsumi looked down to see herself in a t-shirt and shorts. Her scars across her arms and legs were fully exposed. A sickening feeling came to her stomach. Had people seen? How many? When did she get into these clothes?

She remembered changing into these clothes before she went to bed. That's when...her father...

Katsumi's mouth was open in shock. Since then? She's been like that since then?

"You idiot!" Bakugo hissed. "You've let your anger and your emotions completely control you to the point you have no idea what's going on anymore! Have you lost your mind?! That's the last thing that we need right now!"

Katsumi felt overwhelmed and she grit her teeth together and pushed Bakugo away from her. He stumbled back, his eyes wide in shock. Her face mirrored his. 

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